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Electrification Ratios of 162 Selected Countries

(Most Recently Available % as of 2005-03-14)

Electrification Ratios of 162 Selected Countries (2004)

Afghanistan 6 Gabon 74 New Zealand 100
Albania 100 Gambia 15 Nicaragua 70
Algeria 73 Georgia 33 Niger 7
Angola 15 Germany 100 Nigeria 45
Argentina 95 Ghana 43 Norway 100
Armenia 100 Greece 100 Oman 98
Australia 100 Greenland 90 Pakistan 60
Austria 100 Guatemala 85 Panama 73
Azerbaijan 100 Guinea 16 Papua New Guinea 45
Bahamas 100 Guinea-Bissau 12 Paraguay 54
Bangladesh 38 Guyana 60 Peru 75
Belarus 100 Haiti 31 Philippines 75
Belgium 100 Honduras 45 Poland 100
Belize 90 Hungary 100 Portugal 100
Benin 22 Iceland 100 Puerto Rico 100
Bhutan 11 India 82 Romania 100
Bolivia 64 Indonesia 63 Russia 100
Bosnia/Herzegovina 100 Iran 94 Rwanda 6
Botswana 22 Iraq 87 Saudi Arabia 85
Brazil 93 Ireland 100 Senegal 32
Brunei 100 Israel 100 Serbia-Montenegro 55
Bulgaria 100 Italy 100 Sierra Leone 5
Burkina Faso 9 Jamaica 70 Slovakia 100
Burundi 2 Japan 100 Slovenia 100
Cambodia 33 Jordan 100 Somalia 10
Cameroon 46 Kazakhstan 100 South Africa 66
Canada 100 Kenya 15 Spain 100
Central African Republic 3 Korea, North 92 Sri Lanka 68
Chad 2 Korea, South 100 Sudan 19
Chile 95 Kuwait 100 Suriname 95
China 96 Kyrgyzstan 100 Swaziland 6
Colombia 92 Laos 39 Sweden 100
Congo, Dem Repub of 6 Latvia 100 Switzerland 100
Congo, Repub of the 9 Lebanon 98 Syria 99
Costa Rica 95 Lesotho 5 Taiwan 100
Cote d'Ivoire 20 Liberia 5 Tajikistan 95
Croatia 100 Libya 100 Tanzania 9
Cuba 82 Lithuania 100 Thailand 98
Cyprus 100 Luxembourg 100 Togo 15
Czech Republic 100 Macedonia 100 Tunisia 98
Denmark 100 Madagascar 11 Turkey 100
Djibouti 15 Malawi 3 Turkmenistan 100
Dominican Republic 91 Malaysia 97 Uganda 9
East Timor 11 Mali 11 Ukraine 100
Ecuador 80 Mauritania 22 United Arab Emirates 100
Egypt 98 Mexico 95 United Kingdom 100
El Salvador 65 Moldova 99 United States 100
Equatorial Guinea 15 Mongolia 100 Uruguay 95
Eritrea 20 Morocco 65 Uzbekistan 100
Estonia 100 Mozambique 7 Venezuela 95
Ethiopia 13 Myanmar 15 Vietnam 80
Finland 100 Namibia 26 Yemen 43
France 100 Nepal 25 Zambia 20
French Guiana 88 Netherlands 100 Zimbabwe 42

Annual Average Number of People gaining Access to Electricity 1970-2030 by Continent

Electrical Power Consumption/Infrastructure Prorated by Population Density

Based on 2004 Internet research by Joe Moore
http://www.buckminster.info ,


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