Power Generation Technology
Remote Renewable Energy Resources
made Possible by
International Electrical Interconnections
A Priority for All Continents
to Tom Hammons and Joe Falcon for review and edit,
for publication in Power Generation Technology
By Peter
Executive Director
Global Energy Network Institute
San Diego, CA
Over the past few decades, expanding power grids has
proven to be both economically and environmentally desirable.
The utilization of the time zone and seasonal diversity
that may exist between adjacent power systems can postpone
or eliminate the necessity of building redundant generation.
System interconnections have improved the efficiency
of the generation mix, and improved reliability with
regards to outages, and stability of frequency and voltage.
Yet, approximately 80% of all generation in the world
is based on non-renewable fuels, whose emissions have
deleterious effect on the environment (the creation
of greenhouse gases, acid rain and toxic waste). With
numerous sites around the world that boast of energy
sources like hydro, tidal, solar, wind and geothermal,
it is reasonable to project the benefits for the future
if these renewable resource sites were connected into
existing grids. In addition, the interconnection of
existing electrical systems across national borders
provide the benefits of a greatly expanded interconnected
Current research from CIGRE (*1) (International
Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems) indicates
that long-distance transmission can be made reliable
and economically successful for up to about 6500 kilometers
with HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current) and 4800 kilometers
with HVAC
(High-Voltage Alternating Current). This would permit
inter-regional and even intercontinental power delivery
from remote sites where large renewable energy sources
may be found. An inventory of some of the best renewable
resources shows them to be located throughout much of
the developing world -- Latin America, Africa and Asia,
as well as the northern latitudes of Canada, Alaska
and Russia. Just as power is presently being purchased
and sold every day in order to level demand and alleviate
power shortages among neighboring systems, exports of
excess power from developing nations can provide less
expensive peaking electricity for the industrialized
countries, and financial resources for third-world countries.
Billions of dollars could be saved by sharing this untapped
potential, and to a large extent, much future demand
could be satisfied by wheeling rather than by building
new plants. Savings from wheeled power are well established
and are reflected in reduced customer costs for the
buyer and reduced unit costs for the seller. Since many
countries are still unwilling to rely on too large a
percentage of imported power for national security reasons,
foreign power usually displaces only the most expensive
peaking generation units. Thus the imported power need
only be cheaper than the buyer's marginal cost for peaking
power to create an economic win-win situation.
From a sociological point of view, the world's environment
is rapidly moving out of balance with respect to its
ability to support its exploding population. Most projections
have world population increasing to 8.5 billion by 2020
(*2), with most all the growth coming
from the developing countries. (see Figure 1 - World
Population Growth) While population control could relieve
many of the environmental problems facing the world,
it is unreasonable to expect governmental decrees to
accomplish this goal. Population control will occur
with two factors. One, people around the world must
move towards a rational approach to family planning.
Secondly, energy in sufficient quantities must be available
for basic infrastructure needs such as development of
clean water resources, sanitation facilities, refrigeration
of food and medicine.
In third-world countries, large families are deemed
necessary to ensure that some of the survivors will
be around to help with the work of sustaining the family,
as well as to take care of parents when they are old.
These insurance births are required
because infant mortality is high due to inadequate health
care, non-potable water and malnutrition. Thus, not
only are infants at risk, but children as a group. When
food and health-care systems can be sustained, fewer
children are necessary for each family to function as
working and contributing members of the community and
birth rates fall along with infant mortality. (*3)
Common to all social systems with which we are familiar,
energy in the form of electricity provides for the efficient
utilization of resources to supply food, shelter, health
care, sewage disposal, transportation, communication
and education. Clearly, power by wire is a primary measure
of modern society.
The 1992 World Energy Conference forecasted energy demand
for the next three decades (*4). A
doubling of energy demand is projected, again mostly
from the exploding growth of the developing world. (see
Figure 2 - WEC Energy Scenarios) The ratio of renewable
to non-renewable generation varies only slightly, even
in the ecologically driven scenario. Clearly the people
of the developing nations will be more concerned with
survival rather than environmental protection.
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change),
working for the 1992 Earth Summit, projected a doubling
of CO2 emissions over the same time period. (*5)
(see Figure 3 - Projected CO2 Emissions) While the effects
of this atmospheric experiment are still in dispute,
it does appear that a prime solution to this global
problem is to effect a transition by tapping many of
the potential renewable resources to areas of electrical
demand via long distance high voltage transmission lines.
Many in the environmental community are promoting demand
side management as one answer to our environmental problems.
While demand side efficiency is important for the first
world economies, this will not solve the energy needs
of the growth economies of the developing world.
Engineers have the means and the mandate to generate
benefits beyond system reliability and efficiency, which
have been hallmarks of the profession. In 1971, The
United Nations Natural Resources Committee proposed
the interconnection of central Africa to Europe and
Latin America to North America as a means of displacing
polluting generation in the North with renewable energy
resources from the South. (*6)
Twenty years ago, architect and inventor Dr. R. Buckminster
Fuller proposed interconnecting regional power systems
into a single, continuous worldwide electric energy
grid as the number one solution to solve many of the
world's most pressing problems. While this vision is
still years away, Fuller foresaw power grids as a means
of improving the standard of living for the impoverished,
preserving the environment and enhancing international
trade and cooperation.
The concept of intercontinental connections was addressed
in detail at recent meetings of the IEEE/PES (Institute
of Electronic and Electrical Engineers - Power Engineering
Society) (January 1992 New York, NY, and January 93
Columbus, OH) where specialists from utilities, the
United Nations and the World Bank discussed the potential
of tapping remote renewables using long-distance, high-voltage
interconnections. Panelists, who were engineers from
the United States, Canada, Egypt, Brazil, India, Italy,
the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia, were experts in
the field of system planning, design, construction and
operation of high-voltage systems in all parts of the
world. The consensus was, clearly, that inter-regional
interconnections were feasible and desirable today.
In fact, it was stated that there has never been a known
economic failure (save warring disruptions), and every
interconnection has proven to be of greater economic
benefit that the justification for construction in the
first place. (*7)
In many cases these regional links would actually be
inter-continental ties. Several schemes were presented,
e.g., a connection between South and North America to
capitalize on the great hydro resources of South America.
This intertie was first proposed in 1971, when the technology
of long distance high-voltage transmission was limiting.
Today, however, this technology is available and proven.
Less polluting power sold to the North will bring economic
benefits to Latin America. While the cheaper electricity
would aid the economies in North America, the dollars
to Latin America could be used for the many developmental
needs as well as debt repayment.
Additional ties that are presently in feasibility study
include interties between Central Africa to Egypt, with
connections to the Middle East countries. (*8)
This possible link between Africa and Europe has its
basis in the vast hydro energy available from the Zaire
River. The Grand Inga power station on the Zaire River
represents a typical example of power supply that can
be exported using international transmission lines.
The characteristics of this potential power station
- 30,000MW of installed capacity
- 240 billion kWh annual energy production
- Less than $1,000 per kW
installed cost
- Low environmental impact.
As proposed by Dr. Luigi Paris and Dr. Nelson DeFranco,
(*9) Inga energy can be delivered to
Europe at a price that is competitive with domestic
coal or nuclear generation in Europe.
The transnational connections from Zaire could have
several potential land corridors. Transmission lines
could traverse African Countries in the western, central
and eastern portions of that continent, terminating
in Spain, Italy, Greece or Turkey. (see Figure 4, Africa
to Europe map) Because of the long distance,
would be mandatory for transmission, requiring six to
ten bipolar lines. These lines, traversing desert and
sea, would require careful siting in order to minimize
exposure to harsh environments where, for example, tower
footings would be unstable in the sand and where excessive
depth of the Mediterranean Sea would limit cable installation.
Selecting an operating voltage of +600 kV, tower
line space could be minimized for the overhead portion
and oil-filled cable could be used for the under water
installation. All of the system is based on proven technology
and appears to be feasible with low risk. The underwater
cabling between Spain and Morocco at the Strait of Gibraltar
is now under proposal.
With the end of the Cold War, Russian and East European
engineers are working to upgrade and strengthen the
former Comecon system for future integration into the
Western European grid. Another opportunity lies with
the regional concern over the Chernobyl style nuclear
plants in Eastern Europe. Shutdown of these plants is
difficult because the power is needed in the East, and
the West is investing heavily in safeguarding against
further accidents. Imported power may be an alternative.
Russian and Alaskan power system planners have recently
met to discuss an east/west intertie between Alaska
and Siberia. (*10) While this interconnection
may be years away, enormous hydro and tidal potential
exists in these northern latitudes. However, the load
is thousands of kilometers away -- in Asia and the United
States. In this connection, a promising possibility
would be to install an 8000 kilometer HVDC line from
the US/Canadian grid, across Alaska, the Bering Strait,
Siberia and into the eastern Soviet grid. It is only
a short step from that scenario to one that will include
an interconnection between Russia with its Asian neighbors:
Japan, North and South Korea and China.
The six nation Gulf Cooperation Council (Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Oman)
have commissioned a HVAC and DC system along the Persian
Gulf(*11). All states run on 60 Hertz
except Saudi Arabia at 50 Hertz, requiring a AC/DC converter
linkage of the asynchronous systems.
Clearly, the most critical world region for future energy
demand will be India, China and Southeast Asia. Over
half the world's population lives in this region, and
energy demand is projected to surpass that of the first
world by the turn of the century. (*12)
The enormous hydro, solar, and tidal resources of the
region offer great opportunity for long term sustainable
In each of these cases, the state of the art in network
integration transcends national boundaries.
Our quality of life in the developed world is totally
related and a function of our electrical infrastructure.
In a similar manner, the striving for improved living
standards in the developing nations is a direct function
of the supply of their power needs. As one example,
the social benefits of the Grand Inga project would
be significant for developing countries in Africa since
the energy produced comes from a renewable source and
the income from energy sales would provide needed revenue
for governmental programs intended to alleviate poverty
in the region. The export of a renewable resource does
not reduce the potential richness of the producing country
and therefore does not compromise its future development.
Instead the scheme provides impetus for continued development,
plus the ability to repay existing debt.
An examination of just a few areas in the world where
renewable energy source exist will provide some idea
of the potential of the grand plan for intercontinental
exchange of energy:
- Large untapped hydro sites can be found in Latin America,
Canada, Alaska, Siberia, Southeast Asia, and Africa.
- Tidal sites are found in Argentina, Canada, Siberia,
China, Australia, and India.
- Solar potential rings the earth in Mexico, the United
States, Africa, Middle East, Russia, India, China and
- Geothermal potential exists around the Pacific Ocean's
ring of fire , and in the rift valley
of Africa
The large number of locations where development is possible
shows the possibility for world-wide cooperation in
a technology that can serve as a common point of interest
for all countries. Noted by Yuri Rudenko and Victor
Yershevich of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the creation
of a unified electrical power system would not be an
end in itself. (*13) Rather, it was
their view, that a unified system would be the natural
result of systems that demonstrated benefits in terms
of economics, ecology and national priorities.
Possibly the most encouraging endorsement for the linking
of renewable resources comes on the heels of the Earth
Summit last year in Rio. Noel Brown, North American
Director of the United Nations Environmental Program
states that tapping of remote renewable resources is
one of the most important projects to further the cause
of environmental protection and sustainable development.
Engineers have the responsibility of designing systems
for the long term sustainability of our planet. We have
seen the consequences of past errors, and that of short
term thinking. The question of, how do we provide sustainable
development and environmental protection for
the long term must be high on the list of critical issues
of all nations.
Bibliographic References (*1) -
*1. Present
Limits of Very Long Distance Transmission Systems ,
Committee 37, CIGRE 1984 paper, L. Paris, G.
Zini, M. Valtorta, G. Manzoni, A Invernizzi, N. DeFranco,
A. Vian
*2. World Population
Prospects, United Nations, Department of
International Economic and Social Affairs,
*3. A
Model for the Quality of Life as a Function of Electrical
Energy Consumption , Bangladesh Institute of
Technology and University of Engineering and Technology,
Vol. 16, No. 4 Energy, 1991, M.S. Alam, B.K.
Bala, A.M.Z. Huo, M.A. Matin
*4. Energy for Tomorrow's
World , World Energy Council, WEC Commission's
Global Report, September 1992
*5. Climate Change:
the IPCC Scientific Assessment , J. Houghton, G.
Jenkins, J. Ephraums, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK, 1990
*6. Environmental
Problems of Energy Production and Utilization ,
United Nations Committee on Natural Resources
report to the Economic and Social Council, January
*7. International
Workshop on the Limits of Long-Distance High-Voltage
Power Transmission and the Corresponding Economic,
Environmental, and Sociopolitical Implications ,
Winnipeg, Canada, July 1991
*8. Grand Inga Case ,
Luigi Paris, IEEE Power Engineering Review,
Vol. 12, No. 6, June 1992
*9. op. cit., CIGRE
*10. The Potential
of an Electrical Interconnection between Russia and
North America , International Workshop, Anchorage,
Alaska, January 1992
*11. Planning of
the Gulf States Interconnection , J. Al-Alawi,
S. Sud, D. McGillis, for the Gulf States Cooperation
Council, 1991
*12. op. cit. WEC regional reports,
Pacific and South Asia
*13. Is it Possible
and Expedient to Create a Global Energy Network? ,
Y. Rudenko, V. Yershevich, International Journal
of Global Energy Issues, Vol. 3, No. 3,
*14. United Nations Environmental
Program, North American Director Noel Brown, March
1992, in a letter to Ros Kelly, Australian Minister
of Environment