GENI GIS Maps, GIS Articles, GIS Papers - GIS Maps - GIS Articles - GIS Papers - GIS Library - GIS Layer Index - Library - Library, Global Energy Network Institute Articles, Opinion Editorials, Flip The Old Model Upside Down, Sloving Climate Change, Spontaneous Cooperation, Opinion Editorial, A Crisis of Ignorance, Linking Renwable Energy Resources Around The World, Linking Electricity for Peace, Power Transmission, Asking the Question For Spaceship Earth, No Cure for a Sick World?, The Missing Link, Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around The World, A Compleling Global Strategy, The Global Energy Network Institute Model, Want To Contian GlobalPolution?, Remote Renewable Energy Resources Made Possible by International Electrical Interconnections, The Economic, Environment and Devlopmental Benefits of High-VoltageInterconnections Between South and North America Via Central America and the Caribbean, Worldwide Interconnection May Be An Idea Whose Time Has Come, A Light seen round the World
GENI's global GIS research, GIS news articles, and interactive GIS maps.

GIS Maps, Articles, Papers

GENI's global GIS research, news articles, and maps.

National GIS Maps

Google: Maps Gallery ESRI: ArcGIS: GENI Maps

  India: Solar Potential
  India: Wind Potential

  China: Wind Potential

  Russia: Wind Potential

  European Union: Wind Potential

USA: Geothermal Potential USA: Geothermal Potential: Web Map, Map Package, Shapefile
USA: Solar Potential, pdf USA: Solar Potential: Web Map, Map Package, Shapefile
USA: Wind Potential, pdf USA: Wind Potential: Web Map, Map Package

Global Maps

GIS News Articles

GIS Research Papers

  • The GENI Initiative Visualization (171 MB .pdf). By: Jens Klawitter, Paul-Michael Dekker, Peter Meisen, and John Graham, presented to the IEEE Power Engineering Society in July, 2008.


Overview - Library, Global Energy Netwark Institute Articles, Opinion Editorials, Flip The Old Model Upside Down, Sloving Climate Change, Spontaneous Cooperation, Opinion Editorial, A Crisis of Ignorance, Linking Renwable Energy Resources Around The World, Linking Electricity for Peace, Power Transmission, Asking the Question For Spaceship Earth, No Cure for a Sick World?, The Missing Link, Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around The World, A Compleling Global Strategy, The Global Energy Network Institute Model, Want To Contian GlobalPolution?, Remote Renewable Energy Resources Made Possible by International Electrical Interconnections, The Economic, Environment and Devlopmental Benefits of High-VoltageInterconnections Between South and North America Via Central America and the Caribbean, Worldwide Interconnection May Be An Idea Whose Time Has Come, A Light seen round the World

keywords: GENI GIS Maps, GIS Articles, GIS Papers, GIS Library, GIS Layer Index, Flip The Old Model Upside Down, Sloving Climate Change, Spontaneous Cooperation, Opinion Editorial, Linking Renwable Energy Resources Around The World, Linking Electricity for Peace, Power Transmission, The Missing Link, Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around The World, A Compleling Global Strategy, The GENI Model, Want To Contain Global Polution?, Remote Renewable Energy Resources Made Possible by International Electrical Interconnections, The Economic, Environment and Devlopmental Benefits of High-Voltage Interconnections, Worldwide Interconnection May Be An Idea Whose Time Has Come