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Global network sets goal of promoting renewable energies

LONDON, England, 2003-10-29 (Refocus Weekly) A global partnership developed by Britain's Foreign & Commonwealth Office will promote the use of renewable energy around the world.

The Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership was developed after the World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa last year. Regional meetings were held around the world this year to identify policy and regulatory barriers to the development of sustainable energies and to link financial officials with the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector.

The group will also provide strategic direction and communications in promoting the value and benefits of renewables to international organisations, governments, regulators and consumers.

"In many situations, sustainable energy is economically viable now, and the challenges of climate change and possibly increasing insecurity in the supply of fossil fuels can only make it more viable in the future" says foreign secretary Jack Straw. Ministers from a dozen countries attended the official REEEP launch last week.

"The REEEP offers an opportunity to influence the future direction of a new and expanding market and access to key policy makers and regulators," says environment secretary Margaret Beckett. "It opens doors to new technology and the opportunity for innovations to be shared globally. It provides the chance to evaluate options against what has worked - and what has not - in different countries and regions."

"Overall, the REEEP provides opportunity for shaping the future direction of the energy system in a way that meets partners social, economic and environmental objectives," she says.

Britain wants to reduce its CO2 emissions by 60% by 2050, and the Energy White Paper released earlier this year calls for greater use of renewables.

Part of REEEP’s mission is to deliver the energy policy objectives agreed at WSSD and to promote the recommendations contained in a report of the G8 Renewable Energy Task Force.

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