About Us


What is it?




The Society for Computer Simulation International, founded in 1952, is a technical society dedicated to the improvement of the art and science of computer modeling and simulation, and their application to study and alleviate problems of our society.

To this end SCSI organizes and co-sponsors conferences and publishes a technical journal SIMULATION, and TRANSACTIONS of archival material related to its interests.

"Simulation in the Service of Society" is a non-technical, newsletter-type section of the journal SIMULATION devoted to keeping readers informed as to what is going on in simulation and related fields.

MISSION EARTH is an Activity of the Society, the purpose of which is:

"To promote progress toward a SUSTAINABLE GLOBAL SYSTEM.
SUSTAINABLE, because of our concern for the future;
GLOBAL, to counter the untenable imbalance between regions and nations;
SYSTEM, because of inescapable interactions among all aspects of all sectors involved."

Our objective is to accomplish this by surveying and publishing information on modeling and simulation work, in progress and completed, with results and comments, in an effort to reduce duplication of effort and improve the technology.

Our belief is that solutions to global problems, as well as others, are much easier to arrive at, and more likely to prove beneficial, if there is a good understanding of the system in which the problem is embedded -- AND, that modeling and simulation are among the best tools for imparting understanding that modern technology has produced.

You are invited to join us in our efforts.

John McLeod, Coordinator 8484 La Jola Shores Drive
E-Mail mcleod@sdsc.edu La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone (619) 454-0966 FAX (619) 277-3830

Links to Related Documents

Gottfried Mayer-Kress, gmk@pegasos.ccsr.uiuc.edu
Last update: 1-11-95