About Us
Itsak Rabin and Yasir Arafat

A handshake... the first step to becoming partners
Please help us fund the vision of GENI

Please help us fund the vision of GENI



Dear GENI Friend;

Changes in the world seem to occur faster than we can integrate their consequences into our lives. Television brings the face of war and hunger into our homes. Information overload is constant for most of us. Yet GENI is making a clear difference amid the noise.

With high hopes, we watched Israel and the PLO sign a peace treaty after decades of conflict. What seemed impossible--a handshake between Itsak Rabin and Yasir Arafat--was viewed around the world. Our hearts soared--if these former enemies can put down their weapons and work together, isn't it possible everywhere else?

Then, just a few days later, an article appeared about Palestinians rebuilding their homeland. Under the heading Dreaming Up Peace Projects was the following statement:

With peace at hand, some ambitious development projects no longer look so crazy. Beyond Israel and the occupied territories, some other neighbors could benefit, too. A few of the Palestinians fondest dreams: POWER GRIDS: Interlocking electricity grids could save Israelis and Arabs millions of dollars. (Newsweek Magazine, September 20, 1993)

Last year, the GENI initiative was given to energy planners throughout the Middle East. Before the peace, most experts scoffed at the notion. What a difference a handshake can make!

The GENI Computer Simulation Model described in our last newsletter has begun with an impressive international team. The goal is to produce a clear-cut cost/benefit analysis comparing various energy future scenarios. The model will contrast the economic and environmental benefits of interconnecting global renewable energy resources versus the results of other projected world energy scenarios (such as those of the World Energy Conference and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). The project will support GENI's ideal of achieving a low-emission sustainable energy future that supports the economic growth of developing countries.

We need you continuing help in this effort. Last year we launched the Campaign to Fund the Vision of GENI. The goal for 1994 is one million dollars, and while we have a good start, your financial support is needed more than ever. We invite your help in making GENI real in the world. Please use the enclosed pledge form and contribute at a level appropriate to your vision.

Thank you for your generous contributions over the past year. Your financial gifts, time and expertise ARE making a difference.


Peter Meisen
Executive Director

GENI DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS: Len Bateman, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Davis, Floyd Geis, Nyhl Henson, Mike Fisher, Bill Shopoff


GENI ADVISORS: Raghbir Basi, Brian Bieler, Milton Byrd, David Cline, Terry Lipman, Karen Morgan, Robert Muller, Glenn Olds, Malcolm Roberts, Marshall Thurber


Connecting the World's Electrical Grids

systems that send bulk
power over long distances
are proving that global energy
networks are technically feasible if
economic and political incentives surge
Inventor Buckminster Fuller first proposed the
idea of connecting the world's regional electrical
grids into a single global energy network in 1969.
Since then, political problems, including domestic
and international conflicts, have posed a formid-
able barrier to global energy networking. How-
ever, the development of long-range trans-
mission systems has bolstered the tech-
nological feasibility of such plans...

Michael Valenti, Associate Editor
Mechanical Engineering

January, 1994

Sending electricity long range will generate much needed revenue for developing countries while reducing the need for the construction of new power plants in the industrial nations.

Joseph Falcon, Past President
American Society of Mechanical Engineers

  True Economic Conversion —

Buckminster Fuller's global strategy offers post Cold War job opportunities

Economic conversion to skilled civilian jobs is not a new concept to the advocates of such planning. Yet converting high tech military expertise to marketable civilian products and services has proven a difficult task. President Clinton stated his concern in a speech to an international trade conference. Do we have anything so far to replace the steep, steep cuts in defense spending which have gone to the very heart of a lot of our high-wage, high-tech economy? He continued, No, we don't. but we need a technology policy and a defense conversion policy that attempts to replace that. The proposed Information Superhighway appears to be a strong step in this direction yet remains the darling project of the telecommunications and computer industries.

In California and across the nation tens of thousands of engineers are unemployed due to the lack of adequate conversion planning. With the Cold War over, this policy vacuum remains. How does one become trading partners with his former enemy? Can military thinking transform into market dynamics? There is a common enemy of the United States, Russia and the rest of the world in our environmental challenges. As many experts before him have stated, Paul Kennedy in Preparing for the 21st Century warns us that the growing populations and the environmental stress will soon overwhelm the support system if we don't change the direction in which we're headed.

What's wanted and needed on the planet is a plan for the long term sustainable development for our present 5.5 billion people — projected to be 8 billion in 2020.

More than 20 years ago, the World Game model by Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller (inventor of Geodesic Domes, Synergetics, Dymaxion Map) proposed the planet's highest priority to be the interconnection of electric grids to tap abundant, but often remote renewable resources. In Earth in the Balance, Vice President Gore acknowledges Fuller's vision for our world.

Reports from the DOE National Energy Labs highlight the enormous renewable resource potential in the United States. Energy Secretary O'Leary has even changed the pictures in her office from nuclear plants and submarines to wind and solar farms. And as reported by the Union of Concerned Scientists, wind and solar thermal generation are cheaper sources today than natural gas used for peaking power generation.

California leads the world in alternative energy production from clean energy resources--wind, geothermal and solar. The 1992 California Energy Commission report boasts the Golden State has over half of the world's geothermal production, more than 80% of total wind production and 99% of the installed solar capacity of the rest of the world. Yet these three sources comprise less than 6% of California's power generation.

Potentially, Us and Russian engineers could lead the world in developing renewable energy technologies for both domestic and international use.

The superpowers defense industries produced the world's finest engineering expertise, metals fabrication and computer simulation models. This is the same proficiency required to take full advantage of the renewable energy resources around the world.

Pushing for more efficiency in the developed world has been the best way for customers and utilities to reduce expenses and pollution in the past two decades. Yet the fact remains that 80% of the time we use energy for anything, we in the first world create some kind of pollution; CO2, acid rain, toxic wastes. Global production of these pollutants increases daily.

Being more efficient is essential, but by itself is not enough. The have nations need a plan to drive the transition to a higher renewables percentage. The ;have-not nations need an energy infrastructure that will supply their growing energy demand in a manner that is ecologically sustainable. The demand for more energy in the developing nations is immediate. However, families struggling for survival have little time or attention for preserving their environment.

A shift of resources to civillian infrastructure will bring income to th "have nots"and new markets to the "halves"
Source: United Nations Development Program, Human Development Report, 1992

Some of the optimal sites for solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and tidal sources are located in remote locations, many in the developing world. These energy treasures are in deserts, mountains, tidal and wind sites--far from where we choose to work and live--often times in neighboring nations.

(Source: United Nations Development Program, Human Development report, 1992)

This power could be delivered via the already existing transmission networks in developed nations. An uncelebrated public benefit from the weapons and NASA research of the last three decades has been the increased efficiency and extended economic limits of electric power transmission. Power lines can deliver renewable energy over thousands of miles as reliably as that generated by coal and nuclear. And these renewable technologies are now cost competitive for peaking power and some base load situations.

While we struggle to find a conversion policy with both technical and human vision, Japan is designing a system to provide clean energy for the entire planet. Sanyo has driven a stake into the future that will pull everyone towards it.

Some in Japan are now taking Fuller's vision a step further, and offering us a crystal ball to the future. Sanyo Electric has proposed Project GENESIS for the mid 21st Century. GENESIS stands for Global Energy Network Equipped with Soar Cells and International Superconducting Grids. Even though superconducting power transmission is still a research dream, Sanyo figures that solar cells covering just 4% of the worlds deserts could supply the energy needs of everyone on the planet.

A conversion of Cold War thinking reveals the opportunity proposed by Buckminster Fuller. The linking of renewable resources around the world is feasible and desirable today. With a little vision, engineers could be back at high-tech, well-paid positions creating renewable technologies for domestic use, and export to the rest of the world. Both Russia and the US should follow Sanyo's lead.

Interconnected Renewable Energy is the Future

Alternate Energy Futures: 1990 (Current): 18 percent renewable, 82 percent non-renewable; 2020-Current Policies: 21 percent renewable, 79 percent non-renewable; 2020-Ecologically Driven: 31 percent renewable, 69 percent non-renewable; 2020 Economically Enhanced: 19 percent renewable, 81 percent non-renewable. Source: Renewable Energy (see reference number 8). 

Key Words: direct fuel use, alternative energy futures, global energy consumption, energy, renewable energy sources, non-renewable energy sources, world energy council, MTOE, global energy consumption MTOE, fuel, renewable fuels, non-renewable fuels, alternate energy sources

Electricity generation for the renewables-intensive global energy scenario. Renewables can play major roles in the global energy economy in the decades ahead. In the global energy demand scenario for this study, global electricity production would more than double by 2025, and more than triple by 2050. The share of renewable energy generation would increase from 20% in 1985 (mostly hydroelectric power) to about 60% in 2025, with roughly comparable contributions from hydropower, intermittent renewables (wind and direct solar power) and biomass. The contribution of intermittent renewables could be as high as 30% by the middle of the next century.

GENI's previous newsletter (1st Quarter 1993) highlighted the Alternative Energy Futures in 2020 as projected by the World Energy Council (WEC). The growth in energy demand will be driven by the population surge of the developing countries to over 8 billion people. Yet the WEC forecasts very little change in the renewable/non-renewable ratio over the next three decades.

Currently, renewables comprise 18% of the generation mix, non-renewables (fossil and nuclear) provide 82%. Energy demand is projected to grow between 30% to 100% by 2020. Even the most ecologically driven WEC case expanded the renewable portion to only 31%.. All of GENI's discussions with the International Energy Agency, United Nations and environmental groups have agreed that these WEC energy scenarios are not sustainable as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or the Agenda 21 of the Earth Summit.

Fortunately, another scenario has been forwarded by five internationally respected authors in the recent book "Renewable Energy: Sources for Fuels and Electricity," by Thomas Johansson, Henry Kelly, Amulya Reddy, Robert Williams and Laurie Burnham, Island Press, 1993. The summary graph is presented here for what the authors call the Renewables Intensive Global Energy Scenario. The authors cite benefits of this scenario that are not captured in standard economic models:

  • increased economic and social development in rural areas can help reduce poverty and slow urban migration

  • land restoration through biomass growth will help prevent erosion and provide wildlife habitat

  • Reduced air pollution caused from the burning of fossil fuels on both transportation and power generation

  • abatement of global warming as renewable sources produce no carbon dioxide of other greenhouse gasses

  • diversity of the fuel supply would create more interregional energy trade, and users would become less vulnerable to monopolies or supply disruptions

  • reducing the risks of nuclear proliferation as competitive renewables would reduce the incentive to build further nuclear supply.

Renewable Energy also concludes two items central to the GENI initiative. First that—

The levels of renewable energy development indicated by this scenario represent a tiny fraction of the technical potential for renewable energy. Higher levels might be pursued if society, for example, should seek greater reductions in CO2 emissions.

The second conclusion is central to the point that renewable energy sources are site specific, oftentimes located in remote areas, and oftentimes in neighboring countries.

Renewable Energy states that most electricity produced from renewable sources would be fed into large electrical grids and marketed by electric utilities.

The evidence grows stronger that both Buckminster Fuller and the United Nations Natural Resources Council were correct in their proposal of 1971. The question remains if the political will can redirect nationalistic energy strategies into a global strategy that benefits everyone.

Transmission & Distribution International Expo

Peter Meisen in Amsterdam
Peter Meisen, Executive Director of GENI, provides a keynote presentation at the T&D International Expo in Amsterdam

GENI first met Dr. Hisham Khatib at the 1992 World Energy Conference in Madrid, and shortly thereafter received his endorsement of GENI's investigation. Peter Meisen, GENI's Executive Director, and Dr. Khatib shared the podium at the Transmission & Distribution International Expo in Amsterdam, September 1993. The following are a few highlights of Dr. Khatib's address:

Dr. Khatib cited figures showing global investment in generation, transmission and distribution (T&D) capital facilities of $1250 billion (US) between now and the year 2000. T&D will represent 50% to 60% of this global investment.

He argued that poverty, emissions, and pollution are global problems and demand global solutions. Accessibility to electricity is crucial to solving these problems. Today, two billion people worldwide are without any electricity at all. He stressed that the need to supply these people with electricity demands novel ideas including inexpensive distribution techniques. He estimates by 2050, electricity may account for 60% to 70% of the energy consumed. He showed that there are two main ingredients marking the future of the industry: competition and transparency. Private Utilities are going to compete; and services, tariffs, regulations are becoming more transparent--the consumer has got choices. Because of these trends, there will be a growing trade in power, not just between neighboring countries, but across neighbor countries to a third country.

All this demands strong interconnections. Extra high voltage (EHV) transmission will become more important for wheeling. Research into EHV in the future is going to be of paramount importance.

Dr. Hisham Khatib
Chairman, Committee on Energy
Issues in Developing Countries
World Energy Council

The Society for Computer Simulation Endorses GENI

To Mission Earth the GENI project is perceived as a special global simulation undertaken to investigate the extent to which and the rate at which progressive interconnection of the existing system to new sources and new markets will be economically profitable and environmentally acceptable. It is of interest to Mission Earth because it is global in scope, it is long-term, and it will have to involve to some significant extent a consideration and possible inclusion of at least each of the following aspects of the global system affected:

  • population growth as affected indirectly by the availability of more power

  • economics of power at a number of node points

  • environmental consequences (e.g. atmospheric pollution increases)

  • benefits of power in markets reached by the power system

  • quality of life or other index of human status in each region

  • effect of more power in some places upon international tensions

  • the effect of more power upon each nations or regions GNP (modified to account for negative effects upon the environment)

  • depletion of any nonreplaceable resources used in producing power

  • the consequences of varying the sequence of incorporating new sources and other effects presumed to be smaller

The use of simulation for this purpose is the next best thing to a crystal ball that works and has numerical output.

This tool can be used to evaluate a variety of management and engineering alternatives. At a later stage, there will have been sufficient use of the simulation to enable GENI to identify and demonstrate the probable success of selected alternative policies for policy makers.

Therefore, we endorse the project without reservation.

Ben Clymer, Chairman
Mission Earth Activity
Society for Computer Simulation

My Pledge to Fund the Vision of GENI

Thank you for your commitment to make the world work for everyone. Your stand makes a big difference this year. Please contribute at a level appropriate to your vision of GENI in the world.

Funding needs for 1994: $1,000,000.
Your generous support is requested.

How can I support GENI?


Request a GENI Video

Discuss this proposal and share the GENI video with friends and business associates. (Use the Tell your friends about this page feature below)

Write a letter to your political leaders, especially the Presidents of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. and the U.N. Secretary General

Contact your local media regarding a feature story on GENI

Arrange a presentation for GENI at your group's luncheon or trade conference

Contribute money or skills to forward the education of this global opportunity

GENI Support and Products


I want to help GENI now,
  • GENI Video:
    What if... a new global option

    This 15 minute video has been seen around the world. Designed for the general public, it's the best overview of the GENI Initiative. Introduction by John Denver.

  • GENI T-shirts (no longer offered)
    "Connect the World with GENI" — three color shirt along with Dymaxion™ Map and Grid is guaranteed to get attention and conversation. White shirts with Map in blue and yellow, Grid and print in red.

  • GENI Brochures
    A concise statement on GENI, as well as the benefits in the areas of economics, the environment, international trade and cooperation, hunger and overpopulation. This piece will explain GENI to your firends in 3 minutes.

  • GENI Source Document and Placement on the GENI Mailing List
    You'll receive documentation and support literature on the Global Energy Grid proposal, priority mailing of hardcopy GENI Newsletters, and monthly e-mail updates on the status of this discussion around the world.

  • Dymaxion™ Globe
    Folded from the Dymaxion™ Map, this four-color 6" globe generates conversation on global issues and solutions.

  • New GENI Video:
    A WIN-WIN Solution

    A 15 minute discussion by ten delegates who participated in the International Workshop in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in July 1991. The consensus statement strongly corroborated the GENI initiative as very credible. It's a win-win proposal for everyone involved. Joe Falson

  • Reports, Maps, Paper Submissions, and Graphs
    Complete set of documents from International Workshop, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada July 1991 — and Russian/Alaskan Meeting — Anchorage, Alaska, January, 1992. $75 donation.

Fuller Projection Air-Ocean World Dymaxion Map -- Beautiful four color poster

Our apologies to the Buckminster Fuller Institute for inadvertantly failing to include the following information next to the image of the Dymaxion™ Map:

The Buckminster Fuller Institute owns all rights to the Dymaxion™ Map design. The word Dymaxion™ and the Dymaxion™ Map design are trademarks of the Buckminster Fuller Institute. The Map is copyrighted by the Buckminster Fuller Institute, 1938, and is used here by permission.

Dymaxion™ Map

Beautiful four color poster printed on heavy-gauge paper.

Fuller Projection Air-Ocean World Dymaxion Map -- Beautiful four color poster (34 inches X 22 inches).

Promises to generate discussions in your home and office.

GENI MISSION — To accelerate the attainment of the optimal sustainable energy solutions in the shortest possible time for the peace, health and prosperity of everyone.

Two decades
ago, the late R. Buckminster Fuller
proposed interconnecting regional power
systems into a single continuous global electrical
energy grid. • While this vision is still years away, tech-
nological advances have made the linking of international and
inter regional energy networks practicable today. • Transmission
lines allow utilities to level the peaks and valleys of demand. This is
accomplished between East-West time zones, as well as North-South
seasonal variations in demand. • The origin of the energy grid initiative
emerged as the highest priority of the World Game™. Its stated purpose
is “to make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible
time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or the
disadvantage of anyone.” Research reveals that these major benefits will
result from expanding electrical networks. • Increase in everyone’s stan-
dard of living • Reduction of fossil fuel demand and the resultant pollu-
tion • Relief of the population explosion • Reduction of world hunger
• Enhancement of world trade • Promotion of international
cooperation and peace • The purpose of GENI, Global
Energy Network Institute, is to educate all people,
especially world leaders, to the potential
benefits of this win-win
solution. •

"For those who have seen the Earth from space, and for the hundreds and perhaps thousands more who will, the experience most certainly changes your perspective. The things that we share are far more valuable than those which divide us."

Astronaut Donald Williams, from "Home Planet"

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