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Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585
June 27,2001





Mr. Peter Meisen
Global Energy Network Institute
World Trade Center of San Diego
1250 Sixth Ave., Suite 901
San Diego, CA. 92101

Dear Mr. Meisen,

Thank you for your letter dated May 23, 2001, to Secretary Abraham. He has asked that I respond to you on his behalf. I appreciate your thoughtful insight into the subject of electrical integration of power networks.

President Bush, President Fox of Mexico and Prime Minister Chretien of Canada have recently formed a North American Energy Working Group. The Working Group will initiate efforts that will address such issues as streamlining of regulatory structures, market integration, and technological innovations regarding resource development, energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean power and nuclear energy issues. The goals of the Working Group are:

  • To foster communication among the three governments in support of the North American Energy Market
  • To allow for identification of trilateral issues
  • To implement joint actions to address these issues for the mutual benefit of the trilateral participants

The electrical integration of power networks between regions is a subject that I am sure will be studied as this Working Group moves forward to meet their objectives. Thank you for your interest in this subject.



Thomas W. Sacco, Director
Office of Technology Access
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy