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Hydroenergy Potential in Russia
Hydropower Potentials
Most of the unused Russian economically exploitable
hydropower potentials are in the eastern parts of
the country, but even within the European part some
remarkable potentials are left.
Small hydro energy sector is the most mature field
of renewable energy. Small rivers in Russia were
widely used in the middle of last century. Thousands
of small hydro power plants (SHP) were in operation
in the USSR during the 1950s. In the subsequent
years those plants were shut down and abandoned.
At present it is expedient to rehabilitate and reconstruct
Russian SHP that had been decommissioned.
Russia has accumulated great experience in using
hydro resources of small rivers. The increased interest
for small hydro is caused by the fact that in the
industrially developed region in the European part
of the country there is no room left for large hydropower.
Furthermore, construction of large hydropower plants
is to be agreed with environment authorities and
public which tend to react rather negatively. During
the 90s the problem of manufacturing equipment for
small and micro hydropower plants was generally
resolved. In Russia hydropower units are manufactured
both by major dedicated enterprises and smaller
production companies. The most effective hydro power
plants are SHPs constructed on the basis of the
old ones which had been decommissioned.
For energy purposes it is advisable to use existing
small and medium water pools (there are more than
1000 of them in Russia). SHPs are particularly important
for power supplying energy deficient regions of
difficult access that cover over 40% of the Russian
territory. Construction of SHPs is economically
viable in the Far East region the development of
which is hindered due to lack of power supply.
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Related GENI Resources
(European Small Hydropower Association)