PRESS RELEASE: ACORE Releases Updated State-by-State Report on Renewable Energy for 2011 - Mar 13, 2011 - turner - - Development Issues - Technical Articles - Index - Library - GENI - Global Energy Network Institute

PRESS RELEASE: ACORE Releases Updated State-by-State Report on Renewable Energy for 2011

Report an Executive Summary of Information on State Renewable Energy Policies, Markets, Projects and Finance

Mar 13, 2011 - turner -

March 7, 2011 — The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) today released the 2011 update and redesign of its report, Renewable Energy in America: Markets, Economic Development and Policy in the 50 States, as an online resource and a product of ACORE’s mission to scale-up renewable energy in America. Compiling updated financial, market, resource potential, and policy information in a single easily-accessed resource, the report is intended to be an executive summary for all who are interested in the highlights of the renewable energy sector in every state.

“The U.S. is blessed with an abundance of domestic renewable energy resources, and the states through effective policies and industry through investment and development are leading the way in harnessing these resources for productive use, “ says Todd Foley, Senior Vice President of Policy and Government Relations.  “This report captures the highlights of an incredible scope of activity that is changing our energy future and paving the way for continued economic growth.”

The report shows that in 2010, the total installed base of new renewable electricity exceeded 50 GW in the United States. Texas, California, and Iowa led in renewable energy generation capacity, while Iowa, Nebraska, and Illinois led in renewable fuels capacity.

With its ongoing development of diverse renewable energy sources, California saw the most value from disclosed asset finance transactions over the past two years for newly built projects. From the Federal government, Texas and Illinois received the most funding from Recovery Act competitive grant and tax credit programs (1603 and 48C) to fund renewable energy projects and manufacturing facilities.

State-level policy commitments remained strong, with 36 states plus D.C. having state-run renewable portfolio standards, and 17 states plus D.C. having state funds for renewable energy. Further information particular to each state is detailed under its two-page executive summary in the report. The report may be accessed at this address:

About ACORE:
ACORE, a 501(c)(3) membership non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, DC, is dedicated to bringing renewable energy into the mainstream of the US economy and lifestyle through research and communications programs and membership committees. ACORE’S membership works in all sectors of the renewable energy industries including wind power, solar energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, ocean energy, biomass, biofuels, and waste energy. ACORE provides a common platform for the wide range of interests in the renewable energy community including end users, technology companies, manufacturers, utilities, professional service firms, financial institutions, colleges and universities, associations, non-profit organizations and government agencies. ACORE serves as a thought leadership forum through which these parties work together on common interests. ACORE co-organizes the REFF-Wall Street and REFF-West Finance Conferences, the RETECH All-Renewables Energy Conference and Exhibition, the Phase II National Policy Forum in Washington, DC, and hosts both domestic and global policy events furthering the mission of renewable energy. Additional information is available at