A place in society
Sep 25, 2009 - The Economist
You might suppose that financial innovation had done
enough damage. But bankers, investors and philanthropists
believe it can help the world’s poor Acumen Fund
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MANY nodded when Lord Turner, the City of London’s
chief regulator, said recently that the financial
industry had grown “beyond its socially useful size”.
The idea that devices such as collateralised debt
obligations and credit-default swaps have been a blessing,
not least by allowing the less well-off to buy houses,
is in tatters: lots of those new homeowners have lost
their houses as well as their jobs. It is remarkable,
then, that the crisis should have given fresh impetus
to “social finance”, a movement based on the belief
that financial innovation can be used directly to
help society’s neediest people.
Two events this month should give believers in social
finance a lift. On September 1st nearly 900 people,
from institutional investors to social entrepreneurs,
gathered in San Francisco for SoCap09, a conference
dedicated to building “social capital markets”. The
event was abuzz with novel ideas such as a “social
stock exchange” and “sustainable hedge funds”.
And on September 25th, at the meeting of the Clinton
Global Initiative in New York, the Global Impact Investing
Network (GIIN) was due to be launched. This is, in
effect, a commitment to create a new asset class—impact
investing—yielding a financial return alongside a
social or environmental benefit. The network’s 20
or so members include big banks (Citigroup, Deutsche
Bank, JPMorgan), philanthropic institutions (such
as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller
Foundation), the Acumen Fund, which invests charitable
donations in firms supplying health care, clean water
and so forth in Africa and India, and Generation Investment
Management, a green-tinged fund manager co-founded
by Al Gore.
GIIN and tonic
The GIIN’s goal is to share information on what works
and what does not, to agree on common language and
measures of performance, and to lobby for helpful
laws and regulations. The creation of just such an
organisation was a priority set out earlier this year
in a report by the Monitor Institute, the research
arm of Monitor, a firm of management consultants.
If this group succeeds, the report argued, within
five to ten years impact investing could grow to $500
billion, around 1% of the world’s total assets under
management in 2008.
The rising interest in social finance is the product
of several trends. First, the financial industry and
its clients spy a way of making money and doing good
at the same time. Many impact investments are in emerging
economies, which are expected to grow faster than
developed ones. They may be uncorrelated with other
assets and thus offer diversification and reduced
risk. Impact investments such as the Calvert Community
Investment Note (a bond) have performed relatively
well during the recent crisis, fuelling demand for
them. Bankers also detect a chance to give their image
a badly needed polish. Philanthropy plays a part too—especially,
it seems, for super-rich investors.
Second, more people want to do well by doing good.
Specialised intermediaries have sprung up, including
several “social investment banks”, such as Total Impact
Advisors, which is supported by Calvert Foundation,
a pioneer of impact investing, and Social Finance,
recently founded in Britain. Social-enterprise clubs
are now among the biggest student organisations in
leading business schools.
Third, there is a growing demand for private capital
and skills to be tapped to supply the basics of life
and to get small businesses going. Government spending
and philanthropy are not enough. Fourth, governments
are providing encouragement. America’s controversial
Community Reinvestment Act stimulated investment in
poor neighbourhoods (too much, critics say). The State
Department is expected to give financial support for
the GIIN’s efforts to create useful measures of social
impact. The British government has given tax breaks
and introduced more helpful regulations for private
investment in social projects, as recommended by the
Social Investment Task Force it established in 2000.
In the Netherlands legislation has encouraged green
Social investing is not new. People have been practising
it for years. Perhaps the commonest form has been
to apply an ethical screen to a portfolio, filtering
out the securities of tobacco firms, arms companies,
casinos, big polluters and other sinners. The merits
of this are disputed; it may do more to make investors
feel good than to make companies do good. But according
to the Monitor Institute, almost $7 trillion of assets
are screened in some way.
The other main forms of social investment have been
“community development” (especially low-cost housing),
microfinance (loans and other financial services for
the poor) and “clean” technology. Community investment
grew at an annual rate of 22% in America in 2001-07,
reaching $26 billion. It has been picking up in Europe,
too. Microfinance has grown even faster. The total
volume of microloans went up by 44% a year in 2001-06,
to $25 billion. Clean-tech investment soared by 60%
in 2007 alone, to $148 billion—although it has since
slipped because of the financial crisis and because
cheaper oil made alternative energy less alluring.
What is new is the interest of mainstream financial
institutions and investors. Microfinance has been
a particular inspiration to the GIIN set, because
what was once a charitable activity has become, in
some instances, a highly profitable business. More
and more microfinance institutions are tapping conventional
capital markets through securitisation, arranged by
banks such as Citigroup, and even share offerings.
Compartamos Banco, a Mexican microfinance firm that
became a for-profit company after starting as a charity,
had a hugely successful initial public offering in
2007. Sequoia Capital, a prominent Silicon Valley
venture-capital firm, is likely to profit handsomely
from its investment in SKS, an Indian microfinance
company that is expected to float shares soon.
A growing number of investors are trying to repeat
the microfinanciers’ success, but in equity rather
than loans. One example is IGNIA, an investment firm
founded in 2007 by Alvaro Rodriguez Arregui, a former
chairman of Accion, a non-profit network of microfinance
institutions that did nicely from its stake in Compartamos
Banco, and Michael Chu, formerly of Kohlberg, Kravis
& Roberts, a blue-chip private-equity firm. IGNIA
is raising a $75m fund, which it plans to invest in
for-profit businesses in areas such as basic health
care (it has already backed Primedic, a Mexican clinic
chain), organic food, housing, water purification
and energy. Another example is GroFin, which invests
mostly in African small businesses. It was incubated
by the philanthropic arm of Royal Dutch Shell, a giant
oil company, but has since turned commercial. In 2008
it established its biggest fund by far, which had
$170m at final closing.
Tapping social finance Acumen
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A more innovative idea, perhaps, is the “social impact
bond”, the brainchild of Social Finance. The idea
is to attract private capital into solving a deep-rooted
problem that is soaking up public money. Take, for
example, reoffending by released prisoners, which
costs the British government millions of pounds a
year. A social-impact bond could raise money to pay
for the expansion of organisations with the expertise
to reduce reoffending rates. The more money the organisations
save the government, the higher the return the bond
would pay investors. This goes beyond a standard public-private
partnership, which is expected to provide the same
service as the state, but more cheaply. The social-impact
bond would reward better social outcomes and not merely
cut costs.
Social Finance thinks that the social-impact bond
could be tried out in several public services. Besides
being used to tackle reoffending, it could reduce
the need for children to be put in residential care,
or improve community-based health care, easing the
strain on hospitals. The key is to measure performance
clearly, so that contracts can be enforced. “With
government budgets increasingly tight, this could
be a major innovation,” says Sir Ronald Cohen, who
made his money in private equity before chairing the
Social Investment Task Force as well as the commission,
backed by charities, that proposed the creation of
Social Finance.
Similar ideas are getting attention around the world.
Notably, several efforts are under way to replicate
an international finance facility for immunisation
known as the GAVI bond. This was created in 2006 to
allow the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation,
a partnership of public and private sectors, to borrow
against government promises of future aid to fund
vaccination programmes. So far it has raised more
than $2 billion. The World Sanitation Financing Facility
has been created to devise financial structures to
enlist private investment in seven areas from public
toilets to fertiliser production.
The financial industry may be providing the rocket
science, but the backing of rich philanthropists is
an essential source of fuel. The Rockefeller Foundation
has been the principal force behind the creation of
the GIIN. Meanwhile, the Gates Foundation, a keen
supporter of the GIIN, has begun an experiment in
using financial innovation to generate extra investment
in its favoured causes. The foundation has created
a $400m facility to see if various innovations can
entice considerably larger sums (two to five times
as much) from governments and private investors to
help the organisations to which it gives grants. These
innovations do not count as conventional gifts or
as loans. They are contingent liabilities against
the foundation’s balance-sheet, which in effect cost
nothing except in some worst cases.
One idea is to provide a guarantee to charter schools
issuing bonds, helping other investors overcome what
may be excessive risk aversion. Or the foundation
might provide insurance against the non-payment of
aid promised by a donor, so that a government will
know that, one way or another, the money will come.
It is also looking for innovative ways to encourage
private-equity and venture-capital investments in,
say, infrastructure projects in countries where it
is making grants.
The foundation hopes this will encourage other providers
of capital to overcome their fears and put their money
at risk. Alex Friedman, its chief financial officer,
says: “We want to show the private capital markets
that there is money in this, that it is a sustainable
business.” The new approach will “let the foundation
operate almost like a merchant bank for the poor”,
a model it believes can be widely imitated.
Whether this idea and the GIIN initiative will succeed
remains to be seen. Measuring social impact, for instance,
is difficult but necessary. Some investors have naive
expectations of the sorts of risks and financial returns
of investing in, say, small and medium enterprises
in developing countries, says Shari Berenbach, the
chief executive of Calvert Foundation—though she sees
potential in impact investing.
Sir Ronald is optimistic. “This reminds me of private
equity in the early 1980s, just before it started
to grow,” he says. It was only when the disparate
private-equity firms got together and formed a network
that things really took off, not least because they
began to standardise and speak with one voice to regulators
about what the industry needed to thrive. He hopes
the same will now be true of impact investing. As
a participant in the GIIN puts it, the real test will
be “whether people put their money where their mouth
is. Will you see deals done together?”