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Chu Introduces Climate REDI Program At Copenhagen Conference

Dec 15, 2009 - Solar Industry

On behalf of President Obama, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu has announced the launch of the Renewables and Efficiency Deployment Initiative (Climate REDI), a new initiative designed to promote clean energy technologies in developing countries.

At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, currently under way in Copenhagen, Denmark, Chu also welcomed progress under the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF) and invited his counterparts in MEF and other countries to a first-ever Clean Energy Ministerial next year.

Climate REDI includes three new clean energy technology programs and funding needed to launch a renewable energy program under the World Bank's Strategic Climate Fund.

According to the White House, the Solar and LED Energy Access Program will accelerate deployment of affordable solar home systems and LED lanterns to those without access to electricity.  This program will yield immediate economic and public health benefits by providing households with low-cost and quality-assured solar alternatives to expensive and polluting kerosene.

The Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment Program will harness the market and convening power of MEF countries to improve efficiency for appliances traded throughout the world. A number of MEF countries have implemented, or are exploring, incentive programs for energy-efficient appliances. Coordinating incentives, standards and labeling systems can create unprecedented economies of scale for these appliances, the White House says.

The Clean Energy Information Platform will establish an online platform for MEF countries to exchange technical resources, policy experience and the infrastructure to coordinate various activities in deploying clean energy technologies, and share this information with the world.

The Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program (S-REP), under the World Bank's Strategic Climate Fund, will provide policy support and technical assistance to low-income countries developing national renewable energy strategies and underwrite additional capital costs associated with renewable energy investments.  Funding through Climate REDI will accelerate the launch of S-REP.

SOURCE: White House Office Of The Press Secretary