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Chicken litter used to generate power in Miss. pilot project

Oct 24, 2006 Nikki Davis Maute The Associated Press

A waste-to-energy pilot operation five miles west of Collins could change the power source for farmers and developers not only in Mississippi but worldwide.

John Logan's Brinson Farms' "methane capture project" operation is set to go operational November 13th. It will provide the electricity needed to run the farm with its 10 chicken houses.

One of Logan's partners in the project, Bill Johnson, said chicken litter is being used to create methane gas to operate the generators used to power the operation.

Johnson said a patent is pending on the methane operation and the cost of the pilot project is about 800-thousand-dollars.

Johnson said more importantly, the waste-to-energy operation could be the catalyst that results in the development of a proposed 125 (M) million dollar alternative energy operation at a site north of Collins near Mount Olive.

That operation, on U-S 49 at Arbo Road, would include a methane plant, which would power plants producing ethanol and biodiesel.