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Council on Competitiveness to Release 100-Day Energy Action Plan for America

Sep 03, 2008 - Council on Competitiveness - Market Wire

On September 9, the Council on Competitiveness will release a 100-Day Energy Action Plan to guide the next Administration and Congress toward a comprehensive energy strategy. The Council -- comprised of corporate CEOs, university presidents and labor leaders -- has developed a plan that offers solutions to provide affordable energy for businesses and individuals, retain and create quality domestic jobs, and protect the environment.

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Vice Chair of the Council and president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, will deliver a luncheon address at the National Press Club. She will identify the national security, economic, and environmental risks and opportunities inherent in meeting the rising global energy demand.

National Press Club Luncheon and Speech Tuesday, September 9, 2008 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. National Press Club, 529 14th Street, NW Register at www.npc.press.org or 202-662-7501

The energy challenge is the defining challenge for the next President and Congress; it cannot be met with a piecemeal strategy. America's future global leadership and economic growth hinges on our ability to implement a comprehensive national strategy for increasing energy security, innovation and sustainability. This ability, in turn, will hinge on multisector cooperation -- building on the same type of business, labor, academic, and governmental leadership that has come together at the Council.

The Council's "Energy Security, Innovation and Sustainability (ESIS) Initiative" is led by Dr. Jackson and her fellow co-chairs, Jim Owens, Chairman and CEO of Caterpillar Inc.; and D. Michael Langford, National President of the Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO. Mr. Langford will join Dr. Jackson at the National Press Club event.

ABOUT THE COUNCIL ON COMPETITIVENESS -- The Council on Competitiveness is the only group of corporate CEOs, university presidents and labor leaders committed to the future prosperity of all Americans and enhanced U.S. competitiveness in the global economy through the creation of high-value economic activity in the United States.

Contact: Jennifer Carr Direct: 202-969-3405 Cell: 410-967-9692 Email Contact Contact: Andrew Kenneally Direct: 781-487-4683 Cell: 617-892-0125 Email Contact

SOURCE: Council on Competitiveness