DOE Regional Partnerships Find New Use
for Unmined Coal
Jul 18, 2008 - DOE Fossil Energy Newsalert
The Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium
(MGSC), one of seven regional partnerships created by the
U.S. Department of Energy to advance carbon sequestration
technologies, has begun injecting carbon dioxide (CO2) in
a groundbreaking field project in Wabash County, Ill. The
project represents a promising strategy for safely storing
this greenhouse gas while simultaneously increasing natural
gas production in the region.
The pioneering project is the first of the
Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships to inject carbon
dioxide into a coal seam in the United States.
The Phase II pilot project, headed by the
Office of Fossil Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory
(NETL) and the Illinois and Indiana State Geological Surveys,
is testing the viability of turning unmined coal deposits
into a source of useable energy by extracting natural gas,
specifically coalbed methane, trapped in the coal. The bituminous
coals of the Illinois Basin have a high content of methane
making the Wabash County site a choice location for the
project. The Illinois State Geological Survey estimates
that there is up to 3.6 billion tons of storage capacity
and over 10 trillion cubic feet of recoverable coalbed methane
from unmined coal seams in the Illinois Basin.
Traditionally, operators drill production
wells and, in a process called dewatering, pump water out
of the coals to extract the gas. MCSG scientists are turning
this research pilot project into a two-for-one opportunity
by coupling the gas extraction with CO2 sequestration. Dewatering
does not work well with carbon sequestration; it limits
the amount of CO2 that can be sequestered because the dewatering
process creates a low-pressure environment for the injected
CO2 that reduces storage capacity.
The Wabash County project eliminates the need
for dewatering. The project is designed to use one injection
well and three production wells. Trucked-in CO2 is pumped
through a heater and injected into the coal seam as a gas,
increasing the pressure underground and desorbing the coalbed
methane. Methane and CO2 make perfect partners; CO2 is preferentially
adsorbed, meaning that, as the CO2 flows through the coal
seam, methane is displaced from the surface of the coal
in favor of the CO2.
This method presents a major challenge: coal
swelling. As CO2 is injected, coal swells to absorb the
gas. CO2 molecules are larger than methane, and the coal
can absorb three molecules of CO2 for every molecule of
methane that is released. Injecting too much CO2 at once
can lower the permeability of the coal, and it has the potential
to reduce the injection rate and limit the overall amount
of CO2 that can be injected and sequestered into the seam.
To alleviate coal swelling, MGSC scientists
are field testing a new approach: injecting the CO2 in pulses
or cycles. CO2 is injected for 8- to 24-hour periods followed
by a similar duration of shut-in to let the CO2 soak. This
gives the CO2 time to adsorb, the pressure to dissipate,
and avoids any pathway congestion or roadblocks. At the
end of the test, researchers anticipate up to 250 tons of
CO2 to be injected over 3 months.
In addition to the benefits of enhanced methane
recovery, this project will also help demonstrate that geologic
sequestration is a safe and permanent method to mitigate
greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. The Wabash
County project will monitor the injected CO2 both in the
lab and in the field, measuring changes in CO2 injectivity,
the amount of CO2 that is retained by the coal, and the
amount of methane gas that is displaced by CO2.
The project is one of six small-scale pilot
field tests being conducted by the MGSC during the current
validation phase of the Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships
program, which is managed by NETL. During this phase, field
tests are being conducted to validate the most promising
sites to deploy sequestration technologies. In addition
to the Wabash County coalbed-methane project, other field
tests are determining the ability of some oil fields to
sequester CO2 while enhancing oil production, and they are
examining the injection of CO2 into saline formations a
mile or more below the surface.
The MGSC is one of seven regional partners
in a nationwide network to help determine the best approaches
for capturing and permanently storing gases that can contribute
to global climate change. Led by the Illinois State Geological
Survey at the University of Illinois, the MGSC, in coordination
with the Indiana and Kentucky Geological Surveys, is investigating
CO2 sequestration options for the 60,000 square mile Illinois
Basin, a subsurface geologic feature which underlies most
of Illinois, western Indiana, and western Kentucky.