China Heavily Reliant on Emissions Heavy Coal Dec
16, 2009 - Voice of America News China is pushing ahead with plans to
develop renewable energy sources. At the same time, though, the world's largest
emitter of greenhouse gases is still largely reliant on one major source of carbon
emissions - coal. The Asia Society's Orville Schell had an epiphany when he visited
heavily polluted Shanxi province a few years ago. "I knew I was going to be in
coal country, but I was shocked by what I saw. And it was at that moment, I felt
like St. Paul on the road to Damascus (a Biblical reference to being on the road
to truth). The scales (blinders) fell from my eyes and I realized coal is the
heart of the matter," said Schell Coal is the most abundant energy source
in China and it generates 70 percent of the nation's power. Greenpeace activist
Li Yan says her organization thinks one reason Chinese companies still rely on
coal is because coal is "very, very cheap." "So, a reform in the pricing system
of coal, to internalize all the environmental and health damage, and all the external
damages, to have it reflect in the real price of coal," she said. Burning
coal emits carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases that many scientists
say contribute to global warming. Climate change was one of the highlights of
recent agreements between China and the United States, the world's two largest
emitters of greenhouse gases. During a visit to China in November, President Barack
Obama outlined specific ways the two countries have agreed to work together. "We
are creating a joint clean energy research center, and have achieved agreements
on energy efficiency, renewable energy, cleaner uses of coal, electric vehicles,
and shale gas," he said. Despite the friendly words, the Copenhagen climate
change summit this month underscores the vast difference between the U.S. and
Chinese positions. Developed countries think that although China is a developing
nation, it should take more proactive steps to fight climate change because it
is the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Yu Qingtai, part of the Chinese
delegation to the climate change talks, says China believes in the idea of "common
but differentiated responsibilities." Yu says under this principle, it is not
fair to ask developing countries like China and India to take on the same responsibilities
as developed countries. But China's continued development means that as the economy
continues to grow, even more coal will be burned and more carbon released into
the atmosphere. This dilemma was underscored by China's recent announcement that
it will reduce its carbon intensity by up to 45 percent by 2020, compared with
2005 levels. In other words it will emit less carbon dioxide for each unit of
economic output. But that does not reduce China's overall emissions, it only slows
the growth. Chinese people suffer much of the environmental burden brought on
by the country's growing coal use, because of thick air pollution, as well as
climate change. Several studies have shown that China's chronically dirty air
contributes to thousands of illnesses and deaths a year. And pollution increasingly
is a social issue driving thousands of Chinese to protest against the government
and businesses. Climate experts say this is why the government cannot ignore
the problem. Wu Changhua is the Greater China director of an international non-profit
organization called the Climate Group. "I think with or without international
agreement or not, it's actually happening here already - not just for the meeting
at Copenhagen. In the last five years or 10 years, actually, China is already
starting to shift to low-carbon development pathway," said Wu. The problem
is enormous, but experts say they see signs that change is possible in China.
Tsinghua University economist Hu Angang says he is encouraged that Chinese officials
increasingly talk about the need to pursue so-called green energy and the importance
of having a green economy. "This is good news, a good signal for us, to change
our model," said Hu. Hu acknowledges that an international agreement on
climate change is important. But he says for China, reducing emissions - from
coal and other sources - is also very much in its own national interest.