Entrepreneurs for scaling up use of renewable energy


Jan 20, 2013 - ekantipur.com

KATHMANDU, JAN 20 - Representatives from
various alternative and renewable energy enterprises
and concerned government authorities stressed the
need to scale up the use of various forms of
renewable energy technologies like solar, bio-gas,
solar-thermal and micro-hydro projects, among
others, to solve the problem of ongoing acute energy
crisis in the country.
Speaking at the roundtable discussion organised by
the Kantipur Publications on Friday, Hira KC,
president of Solar Electric Company Association of
Nepalsaid though hydropower development is a
sustainable mode and is necessary to meet the
country’s energy demands, it is also important to
work on the concept of mix-energy to meet the
growing energy demands. “Nepal has a huge
potential ofsolar energy to meet the basic needs of
energy consumption,” he said.
Though solar energy has been promoted in the rural
areas, helping underprivileged communities to installsolar panels, photo voltaic and solar heaters, among others, at subsidised rates, the participants said it is equally important
to promote it among the urban populace.
According to government data, around 400,000 rural households have so far benefited from the solar energy system
totalling around 7.2MW of energy used in various forms in the country so far.
Surendra Mathema, president of the Nepal Micro-Hydro Development Association said despite being one of the
pioneers in promoting and developing hydropower projects, including the micro-hydro, the growth of energy sector has
been inadequate in the country. “We are still where we were 50 years ago when the first micro-hydro project was
established. There is no upgradation in technology and creation of favourable environment to promote renewable energy
sources in the country,” he said. Many of the private entrepreneurs and energy experts were of the view that political
parties and their leaders, despite commitments, have failed to promote clean energy sources.
The Alternative Energy EPC, in association with concerned partners working in the alternative and renewable energy
sector, is organising a renewable energy week starting from January 20 in the Capital. The three major objectives of the
event are to create awareness among the public on the use of different renewable energy technologies to address the
ongoing power crisis, to create favourable environment for investment and involvement of private sector and financial
institutions in the sector, and to suggest the government to formulate friendly policies and programmes.
Govind Pokharel, executive director of the Alternative Energy EPC, said acute energy crisis has hindered the socioeconomic development of the country. “Though hydropower is the backbone of energy system, we are not able to
harness the potential due to various hurdles and the country is reeling under severe energy crisis,” he said, highlighting the
need to tackle the energy scarcity through the utilisation of renewable energy resources.