Indonesia puts renewable energy ahead of nuclear option - Apr 27, 2011 - - Technical Articles - Index - Library - GENI - Global Energy Network Institute

Indonesia puts renewable energy ahead of nuclear option

Apr 27, 2011 -

    The Indonesian government would maximize the use of new and renewable energy, especially geothermal, hydro-energy and bio fuels, before deciding to use nuclear energy, a paper said here on Wednesday.

    The government would consider using nuclear energy as the last option, said Luluk Sumiarso, the director general of renewable energy at the Energy Ministry.

    "But it does not mean that nuclear is not being prepared. The ministry will continue to prepare it, but we are now maximizing the use of new and renewable energy, such as geothermal, hydro- energy and bio fuels, which have the potential for development," Luluk was quoted by the Jakartaglobe English daily.

    The director said the plan to build nuclear power plants would go ahead.

    "But the use of nuclear energy needs a political decision," Luluk said, adding that the case of nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, would be a lesson for Indonesia.

    He said the government was revising its proportion of new and renewable energy utilization from the previously target of 17 percent to 25 percent by 2025.

    The director said the government would also make every effort to speed up the utilization of the new and renewable energy.

    Therefore the government is currently carrying out the construction of the second phase of a 10,000 megawatt power plant, which most of its energy are geothermal and hydro power, he said.

    It is the target of the government that the geothermal capacity will increase by 2,000 megawatt in 2012 and to 5,000 megawatt in 2014, given that the country's geothermal potential is 29,000 megawatt.

    Luluk said that aside from geothermal energy, his party would also review the development of bio-fuels.

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