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President challenges experts to seek new energy

Jun 3, 2008 - Antara News

Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono again challenged experts in energy to find new energy resources to replace fossil energy, a minister said.

"On behalf of the people, the president asked the best experts in energy to seek and find new energy and technology to replace `peak oil`," Research and Technology Minister Kusmayanto Kadiman said after the meeting between the head of state and around 60 energy experts at the state secretariate building here on Monday.

According to peak oil theory, Kadiman said, fossil oil would be depleted in the next twenty years, natural gas in 50 years and coal in the next 150 years.

The president urged the experts to find other energies, like geothermal, solar, sea and river energy.

The 60 energy experts will meet the president in the next two weeks to present their ideas on latest energy sources.

According to Kusmayanto, the experts were divided into three groups which have to create fresh thoughts and ideas on optimizing fossil, nuclear and biomass energy.

Regarding biomass, the president said that the ideas to be presented will not hamper the people`s need for food.

For Indonesia, a new energy which could be immediately exploited is geothermal energy, as the technology for the exploitation of this energy was already available.

"There is no reason not to exploit geothermal energy. But it is often constrained by the courage of the government in setting competitive prices," he said.

It was also reported that Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro had already agreed to develop this kind of energy and promised to issue a ministrial decree for this purpose. (*)