India to depend on renewable sources
to meet energy needs
Apr 09, 2007 - Asia Pulse Data Source
New Delhi, India will be dependent
on renewable sources such as solar, hydro and biofuels
to meet 50 per cent of its energy requirements by
Through the use efficiency measures
the country will also be able to reduce 50 per cent
of its energy consumption.
In an outlook commissioned by Greenpeace
and European Renewable Energy Council and assembled
by German research firm DLR Institute of Technical
Thermodynamics, it was revealed that developing countries
like China, India, Brazil and South America need to
play a key role in combating climate change.
"Assuming an average growth of 3.9
per cent for the following decades, a blueprint has
been developed that reduces CO2 emissions by four
per cent, thus decoupling economic growth and fossil
fuel consumption," the outlook said.
However, Greenpeace Executive Director
G Ananthapadmanabhan said coal would have to be phased
out if the climate change has to be contained.
"It is a clear that coal has to go.
There is no such thing as clean coal, it is always
dirty. We must start thinking beyond coal," he said
adding that the government needs to form a dedicated
renewable energy policy.
"We are asking government to shift all
incentives and subsidies for coal to renewable energy,"
Greenpeace Team leader - Climate and Energy Campaign
K Srinivas said.
Greenpeace is asking the Centre to ban,
by 2010, any equipment that takes 25 lumens per watt,
those using 35 lumens by 2012 and 55 lumens by 2015.
"The electricity mix needs to be gradually
increased from the current four per cent to 10 per
cent by 2010, 20 per cent by 2020 and 65 per cent
by 2050," Srinivas said.