Researchers develop window capable of generating
Jun 25, 2008 - Asia Pulse Data Source
South Korean researchers and Samsung SDI Co. said Tuesday
that they have developed a window that can be used to generate
electric power.
The building integrated photovoltalic (BIPV) cells made
by coating windows with Sol-Gel material have reached power
efficiency of 11 percent in laboratory tests, said Bae Byeong-Soo,
a professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology (KAIST).
He said more research needs to be carried out to raise
sustained efficiency from 8.9 percent, and that the development
team is aiming to make models capable of commercial use
in 4-5 years.
"Sustained efficiency of at least 10 percent and overall
durability need to be reached," he said.
Conventional solar panels can be used almost indefinitely
with little drop in power generating efficiency, but the
output of those using coating materials or film usually
drop. Conventional solar panels also have higher power efficiency
of around 15 percent.
The joint development project conducted by Bae's KAIST
team and Samsung has received research support from the
Ministry of Knowledge Economy since 2002. A total of 18.51
billion won (US$17.90 million) has already been injected
into the project, with the government providing 62 percent
or 11.47 billion won.
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