U.S. asks firms to provide clean
energy technology to India, China
Mar 13, 2007 -- AsiaPulse
The US Commerce Department has asked American companies
to exploit opportunities in clean technologies for
energy generation in India and China.
The department's International Trade Administration
will lead a Clean-Energy Technologies Trade Mission
to India and China in April 1.
"This mission aims to match US companies with opportunities
in these fast-growing markets, where American clean
technology goods and services can help improve the
environment," the US Commerce Department said in its
It added clean-energy technologies have moved to
the forefront of energy infrastructure investments
in India and China. "Clean energy investments in both
nations will be enormous over the next 10 years, so
now is the time to enter these important markets".
India plans 100 gigawatts (GW) of new power over
the next 10 years, including 10 GW from renewable
sources. This includes the electrification of 18,000
remote villages. Clean coal technologies will play
an important role in India, it said.
By 2020, China plans to spend nearly US$200 billion
to increase renewable energy use to 15 per cent of
total supply as well as reduce the energy that its
buildings consume by 65 per cent.