RETScreen Wins REEEP Funding for new MTV Tool
Jun 25, 2009 - Natural Resources Canada
The Vienna-based Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) announced on May 8, 2009 the winners of its 7th project funding cycle. In a highly competitive process, 49 projects in 25 countries were selected for funding out of a total of 694 project concepts received from around the world.
We are pleased to inform you that CanmetENERGY's RETScreen International has won funding from REEEP in this round to develop a new Monitoring, Targeting, and Verification (MTV) tool for RETScreen. A comprehensive MTV tool will be incorporated into the next major release of RETScreen (Version 5) that will be developed over the next few years. A monitoring, targeting, and verification tool is an important part of energy efficiency analysis, essential to ensuring the most efficient functioning of energy efficiency projects. Implementing such capabilities into RETScreen will help a user understand how energy is consumed in an organization; understand the opportunities available to save energy; and achieve cost savings, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and the expansion of markets for energy efficiency projects.