Renewables Global Status Report
2009 Update
Sep 9, 2009 - Eric Martinot and
Janet Sawin - Renewable Energy World.Com
Future targets for renewable energy
now exist in over 73 countries, up from 45 in 2005.
Many such trends continue and are documented in
this summary of the REN21 annual report.
The year 2008 was the best yet for
renewables. Even though the global economic downturn
affected renewables in many ways starting in late
2008, the year was still one to remember. As Table
1, on page 22, shows, in just one year, the capacity
of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) plants
(larger than 200 kW) tripled to 3 GW. All forms
of grid-tied solar PV grew by 70%. Wind power grew
by 29% and solar hot water increased by 15%. Annual
ethanol and biodiesel production both expanded by
34%. Heat and power from biomass and geothermal
sources continued to grow, and small hydro increased
by 8%.
The year 2008 also marked four years
of dramatic gains across all technologies. Looking
back, many can remember the milestone ‘Bonn Renewables
2004’ conference, which brought together delegates
from over 145 countries around the world to accelerate
global action. That year was also the genesis of
the REN21 Renewables Global Status Report.
Rotors and blades are hoisted
at the Da Ban Cheng wind farm in the Xinjiang
province in China. The turbine was manufactured
by GoldWind. Photo Credit: LM Glasfiber |
Since then, the four-year period 2005–2008
saw gains unprecedented in the history of renewables:
grid-connected solar PV capacity increased six-fold
to 13 GW; wind power capacity increased 250% to
121 GW, and total power capacity from new renewables
increased 75% to 280 GW, including significant gains
in small hydro, geothermal, and biomass power generation.
Meanwhile, solar heating capacity doubled to 145
GWth; biodiesel production increased six-fold to
12 billion litres per year; ethanol production doubled
to 67 billion litres per year; and annual renewable
energy investment in new capacity increased four-fold,
to reach US$120 billion (€85 billion).
Perhaps one of the most remarkable
milestones for 2008 was that renewables represented
more than 50% of total added power capacity in both
the United States and Europe. That is, more new
renewables capacity was installed than new capacity
for gas, coal, oil, and nuclear combined – although
on a kWh basis, renewables’ added contribution is
less than capacity shares imply. By 2008, the top
six countries by total amount of renewable power
capacity were China (76 GW), the US (40 GW), Germany
(34 GW), Spain (22 GW), India (13 GW), and Japan
(8 GW). Capacity in developing countries grew to
119 GW, or 43% of the total.
The year was also remarkable for the
changes in country leadership of particular markets.
Germany, the global wind power leader since the
mid-1990s, ceded its position to the United States,
which added 8.4 GW in one year to reach 25 GW installed.
Germany was still close behind, at 24 GW installed,
followed by Spain, China, and India. China moved
from sixth to fourth place in 2008 as its wind power
capacity doubled for the fifth year in a row. China
added 6 GW and ended 2008 with more than 12 GW,
achieving its 2010 target of 10 GW two years early.
More than 80 countries around the world had commercial
wind power installations by 2008, with Mongolia
and Pakistan two of the most recent additions.
Existing offshore wind capacity
reached 1.5 GW in 2008, virtually all in Europe,
with 360 MW added in 2008. The United Kingdom became
the offshore wind power leader.
In grid-connected solar PV,
Spain became the clear market leader, with 2.6 GW
of new capacity added, representing half of 2008
global additions of 5.4 GW, and a five-fold increase
over the 550 MW added in Spain in 2007. However,
Spain is not expected to repeat the 2008 performance,
as its target was achieved and policy support has
been scaled back. Spain’s unprecedented surge surpassed
former PV leader Germany, which added 1.5 GW in
2008. Other leading markets were the United States
(310 MW added), South Korea (200–270 MW), Japan
(240 MW), and Italy (200–300 MW). Markets in Australia,
Canada, China, France, and India also continued
to grow. Globally, more than 16 GW of solar PV existed
by the end of 2008, including off-grid installations.
Spain also led a boom in utility-scale
solar PV power plants (defined as larger than
200 kW), which emerged in large numbers around the
world in 2008 – there were an estimated 1800 such
plants existing, up from 1000 in 2007. The majority
of utility-scale plants added in 2008 were in Spain,
with others in the Czech Republic, France, Germany,
Italy, Korea, Portugal, and the US. At 60 MW, the
Spanish Olmedilla de Alarcon plant, completed in
2008, became the world’s largest solar PV plant.
Several European countries also now lead a boom
in building-integrated PV (BIPV), which is a small
but rapidly growing segment of some markets. T
he United States remained the world
leader in geothermal power development, with
more than 120 projects under development, representing
at least 5 GW. Geothermal projects were under way
in over 40 countries, with another 3 GW in the pipeline.
Globally, geothermal power capacity reached over
10 GW in 2008.
Leadership in concentrating solar
thermal power plants (CSP) is now shared by
the United States and Spain. Two new CSP plants
came online in 2008 – the 50 MW Andasol-1 plant
in Spain and a 5 MW demonstration plant in California
– following three new plants in these two countries
during 2006–2007. A number of additional projects
are due to come on-line in 2009, including two more
50 MW plants in Spain and 20 MW of CSP integrated
with a 450 MW natural gas combined-cycle plant in
Morocco. The pipeline of projects under development
or construction increased dramatically during 2008,
to more than 8 GW by some estimates, with over 6
GW under development in the United States alone
(in five different states). New projects are also
under development in Abu Dhabi, Algeria, Egypt,
Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Morocco. One
important trend is that a growing number of these
future CSP plants will include thermal storage to
allow generation into the evening hours. The completed
Andasol-1 plant in Spain, for example, has more
than seven hours of full-load thermal storage capability.
energy added and existing capabilities, 2008
Photo Credit: REN21
In renewable heating technologies,
solar hot water made impressive gains. China accounted
for three-quarters of global added capacity in 2008
(14 GWth added in China out of 19 GWth globally).
Solar hot water in Germany set record growth in
2008, with over 200,000 systems installed for an
increase of 1.5 GWth in capacity. Spain also saw
rapid growth, and the rest of Europe besides Germany
added about 0.5 GWth of new capacity. Among developing
countries, Brazil, India, Mexico, Morocco, Tunisia,
and others saw an acceleration of solar hot water
In transport fuels, fuel ethanol
production in Brazil ramped up dramatically in 2008,
to 27 billion litres, after being fairly constant
for a number of years. And for the first time ever,
more than half of Brazil’s non-diesel vehicle fuel
consumption came from ethanol. Notwithstanding Brazil’s
achievement, the United States remained the leading
ethanol producer, with 34 billion litres produced
in 2008. Other countries producing fuel ethanol
include Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa
Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, France, Germany,
India, Jamaica, Malawi, Poland, South Africa, Spain,
Sweden, Thailand, and Zambia. The EU is responsible
for about two-thirds of world biodiesel production,
with Germany, France, Italy, and Spain the top EU
producers. By the end of 2008, EU biodiesel production
capacity reached 16 billion litres per year.
Investment Flows
Global investment flows to renewables
increased markedly in 2008, while at the same time,
country investment leadership changed hands. As
recently as 2006, Germany and China were the global
leaders in new capacity investment, with the United
States far behind. However, due to a massive surge
in wind power investment in the country, the US
became the global leader in 2008, with $24 billion
(€17 billion) invested, or some 20% of the global
total. Spain, China, and Germany were not far behind
the United States, all in the range of $15–19 billion
(€11–13.5 billion). Spain moved up to second place
by virtue of its large investments in solar PV.
Brazil was fifth overall, at $5 billion (€3.5 billion),
due to large investments in biofuels.
Globally, approximate technology shares
of the $120 billion (€85 billion) in new capacity
investment were wind power (42%), solar PV (32%),
biofuels (13%), biomass and geothermal power and
heat (6%), solar hot water (6%), and small hydropower
New capacity investment includes investment
in new power plants, rooftop panels, and biofuels
refineries (also called ‘asset finance and projects’),
but does not include research and development funding
or new manufacturing plant and equipment for the
solar PV and wind industries. If these other categories
of investment are included, total investment in
2008 likely exceeded $140 billion (€99 billion).
[Note: A widely cited figure for 2008 by New Energy
Finance is $155 billion (€110 billion) in clean
energy investment, but that number includes further
categories; for clarification, see Endnote 13 in
the Renewables Global Status Report 2009 Update
and the UNEP/SEFI report Global Trends in Sustainable
Energy Investment 2009.]
Other indicators of investment flows
registered continued gains in 2008. For example,
private equity investment and venture capital flows
grew to $13.5 billion (€9.5 billion) in 2008, up
from $9.8 billion (€6.9 billion) in 2007. And, development
assistance for renewable investments in developing
countries reached about $2 billion (€1.4 billion)
in 2008, up from $500 million (€355 million) in
Of course, investment flows have been
affected by the financial crisis. Although the clean
energy sector initially weathered the crisis better
than many other sectors, renewable investment did
experience a downturn after September 2008. According
to New Energy Finance, total clean energy investment
in the second half of 2008 was down 23% from the
second half of 2007. Overall, renewable investments
did not escape the general flight from risk. However,
projects have continued to progress, particularly
those supported by policies such as feed-in tariffs.
At 60 MW, the Spanish Olmedilla
de Alarcon plant, completed in 2008, became
the largest solar PV plant in the world. Photo
Credit: Nobesol Levante |
At the end of 2008 and in early 2009,
partly in response to the financial crisis, a number
of national governments announced plans to greatly
increase public finance of renewables and other
low-carbon or clean technologies. Many of these
announcements were directed at economic stimulus
and job creation, with millions of new ‘green jobs’
Industry Trends
Renewable industries boomed during
most of 2008, with big increases in manufacturing
capacity and a diversification of locations. By
August 2008, at least 160 publicly traded renewable
energy companies each had a market capitalization
over $100 million (€71 million). The total market
capitalization of these companies, prior to the
late-2008 market crash, was more than $240 billion
(€170 billion). Of course, the market value of virtually
all companies then took a big hit, and many subsequently
closed plants, laid off workers, cut production,
and revised expansion plans. It is too early to
assess the full impacts, but anecdotal evidence
suggests that many renewable energy companies have
continued to do well in early 2009.
The solar PV industry continued to
be one of the world’s fastest-growing sectors in
2008. Global annual production increased six-fold
between 2004 and 2008, reaching 6.9 GW. China usurped
Japan to become the new world leader in PV cell
production (1.8 GW, not counting Taiwan), with Germany
moving up to second place (1.3 GW), followed by
Japan (1.2 GW), Taiwan (0.9 GW), and the United
States (0.4 GW). Although the US ranked fifth overall,
it led the world in thin-film production (270 MW),
followed by Malaysia (240 MW) and Germany (220 MW).
Globally, annual thin-film production increased
120% in 2008, to reach 950 MW, as thin-film technologies
met a larger share of demand.
The global solar PV industry ended
2008 with over 8 GW of cell manufacturing capacity,
including 1 GW of thin-film capacity. During 2008,
the industry announced additional major production
capacity expansions, many of them for thin-film
technology, although many plans were called into
question after the 2008 crash. Also during 2008,
India emerged as an aspiring producer of solar PV,
with state-level support for solar PV manufacturing
in special economic zones.
In the wind power industry, China
saw the greatest growth in 2008, with several new
companies producing turbines and many new component
manufacturers. The industry appeared poised to start
exporting turbines and had achieved a high level
of domestic sourcing for most components. By the
end of 2008, at least 15 Chinese companies were
commercially producing turbines and several dozen
more were producing components – the industry reportedly
grew to more than 70 manufacturing companies. The
Chinese wind sector appeared unaffected by the global
economic crisis, according to industry observers,
and some expect manufacturing capacity to approach
20 GW/year by 2010.
New wind turbine manufacturing facilities
opened in several other countries during 2008, notably
in the US, where the share of domestically manufactured
components rose from 30% in 2005 to 50% in 2007
and many new turbine and component manufacturing
facilities came on line. Companies in at least two
new developing countries, Egypt and Turkey, started
to manufacture megawatt-scale wind turbines for
the first time.
In other industry developments during
Concentrating solar (thermal) power (CSP) The
CSP industry saw many new entrants and new manufacturing
facilities, particularly in Germany, Spain, and
the United States.
Ethanol In the United States, 31 new ethanol refineries
came online, bringing total production capacity
to 40 billion litres/year, with additional capacity
of 8 billion litres/year under construction. In
Brazil, biofuels production expanded dramatically,
with over 400 ethanol mills and 60 biodiesel mills
operating. In Europe, more than 200 biodiesel production
facilities were operating, and additional ethanol
production capacity of over 3 billion litres/year
was under construction.
Cellulosic ethanol In the United States, plants
totalling 12 million litres/year were operational,
and additional capacity of 80 million litres/year
was under construction. In Canada, capacity of 6
million litres/year was operational. In Europe,
plants were operational in Germany, Spain, and Sweden,
and a capacity of 10 million litres/year was under
Targets for Renewable Energy
The 50 MW Andasol-1 CSP plant
in Spain nearing completion in 2008
Photo Credit: Floba40/
By early 2009, policy targets for
renewable energy existed in at least 73 countries
and states. This includes state/provincial-level
targets in the United States and Canada, which have
no national targets to date. In addition, there
is an EU-wide target of 20% of final energy consumption
by 2020 that was enacted in 2007. That EU-wide target
was followed in 2008 by final confirmation of 2020
targets for all 27 individual EU member countries.
Some EU countries also adopted additional or supplementary
targets in 2008, such as Germany’s targets for 30%
electricity and 14% heating by 2020. Also, an existing
EU transport-sector target (10% share of transport
energy by 2020) was modified to encompass biofuels,
electric vehicles, and electric trains, with a credit
multiplier of 2.5 for renewable electricity consumed
by electric vehicles. Special provisions for biofuels
sustainability were also adopted.
Many policy targets were enacted or
upgraded during 2008 in jurisdictions around the
world. (For country-by-country target details, see
the 2007 and 2009 editions of the Renewables Global
Status Report.) At the national level, new targets
were enacted or upgraded in Abu Dhabi/UAE, Albania,
Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cape Verde, France,
India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Kenya,
Madagascar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russia, Rwanda,
Samoa, South Korea, and Tunisia. At other levels,
targets were enacted or upgraded in several states/provinces
in the United States and Canada, Chinese Taipei
(Taiwan), Scotland (UK), and Gujarat (India), among
Although not strictly a target, China’s
plan to go beyond its existing goal of 30 GW of
wind power by 2020 is noteworthy. China is planning
new large-scale ‘wind power bases’ in six provinces/regions
that could result in 100 GW of new wind capacity
by 2020. According to one analysis, China’s 2007
renewable mandates for power generators – requiring
8% of capacity and 3% of generation by 2020 – also
imply an additional 100 GW of non-hydro renewable
capacity by 2020.
During 2007–2008, a number of countries
exceeded existing targets for 2010, including China
(10 GW of wind capacity target), Germany (electricity
target), Hungary (electricity target), and Spain
(solar PV target).
Policies To Promote Renewables
By early 2009, at least 64 countries
had some type of policy to promote renewable power
generation. Feed-in tariffs are the most widely
used policy, existing in at least 45 countries and
18 states/provinces/territories around the world.
Feed-in tariffs were adopted at the national level
in at least five countries for the first time in
2008 and early 2009, including Kenya, the Philippines,
Poland, South Africa, and the Ukraine. Following
its earlier feed-in policies developed in the 1990s,
India also adopted new feed-in tariffs for solar
PV and solar thermal power. Several more countries
were engaged in developing feed-in policies, including
Egypt, Israel, Japan, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom.
At the state/provincial level, at least 10 jurisdictions
adopted new feed-in tariffs in 2008 and early 2009.
Several countries also revised or supplemented their
feed-in laws. Common revisions included extending
feed-in periods, modifying tariff levels, adjusting
annual percentage decreases in tariffs, establishing
or removing annual programme capacity caps, adding
eligibility for (distributed) micro-generation (including
small-scale wind power), and modifying administrative
Other policy developments for 2008
and early 2009 include:
Three US states and two countries adopted renewable
portfolio policies, bringing to 49 the total number
of countries, states, and provinces worldwide with
RPS. At the national level, new RPS policies were
adopted in Chile and India.
New or expanded solar PV promotion programmes
continued to appear at the national, state/provincial,
and local levels. Significant was the opening of
the grid-connected solar PV market in China with
a new subsidy policy for building-integrated PV.
Many other jurisdictions also enacted new solar
PV subsidies.
In the United States, the production tax credit
was extended through 2012–2013 and the investment
tax credit was extended to 2016.
Many other forms of government support for renewable
power generation continued to expand, including
licensing, net metering provisions, and investment
Comprehensive new renewable energy laws were enacted
in several developing countries, including Chile,
Egypt, Mexico, and the Philippines, while existing
laws were extended or strengthened in Brazil, China,
India, and Uganda.
Mandates for solar and other renewable hot water/space
heating in new building construction greatly accelerated.
Examples can now be found in Germany, Israel, Norway,
Spain, and Syria, in the German state of Baden-Württemberg
and the US state of Hawaii, in dozens of cities
in Spain, and in the cities of Cape Town and New
Delhi, among others.
Much more policy attention is being paid to renewable
heating than in previous years, with new subsidies,
tax incentives, consumer loan programmes, and technical
There were a total of 55 states/provinces/countries
with mandates to blend biofuels with conventional
gasoline and/or diesel. A number of countries continued
to adjust price regulation, modified tax incentives,
or adjusted targets.
Green power markets grew strongly, and the number
of green power consumers worldwide grew to over
5 million households and businesses, primarily in
Australia, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden,
Switzerland, and the United States.
City and local government policies for renewable
energy are a diverse and growing segment. Hundreds
of local governments are setting future targets,
adopting a broad array of planning and promotion
policies, including new local feed-in tariffs and
renewable heating mandates for buildings. (A draft
REN21 report on this topic is now available at,
with further updates coming.)
The integrated picture of global renewable
energy markets, investment, industry, and policies
presented here provides much for optimism about
the future. Indeed, the modern renewable energy
industry has been hailed by many analysts as a ‘guaranteed
growth’ sector, due to the global trends and drivers
underlying its expansion during the past decade.
Policy makers have reacted to rising
concerns about climate change and energy security
by creating more favourable policy and economic
frameworks, while capital markets have provided
ample finance. The recent growth of the sector has
surpassed all predictions, even those made by the
industry itself. Without a doubt, the renewable
energy sector has felt the impact of the current
economic crisis, but growth continues. The Renewables
Global Status Report shows that the fundamental
transition of the world’s energy markets is continuing.
Eric Martinot is Senior Research
Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy
Policies in Tokyo, research fellow of the Worldwatch
Institute, and affiliate of the Tsinghua-BP Clean
Energy Center of Tsinghua University. Janet Sawin
is Senior Researcher and Director of the Energy
and Climate Change Program of the Worldwatch Institute
and research director/lead author for REN21.
This article is based on the REN21
Renewables Global Status Report 2009 Update, written
by lead authors Eric Martinot and Janet Sawin, and
published in May 2009. Free downloads are available
at and The authors
wish to thank the 150 researchers and contributors
who have provided information since 2004, the German
government for primary funding and the US government
for supplemental funding. And recognition of the
Worldwatch Institute is due for its leadership in
producing the report since 2005.