Potentials and prospects for renewable
energies at global scale
Aug 15, 2008 - Gustav Resch(a), Anne
Held(b), Thomas Faber(a), Christian Panzer(a), Felipe
Toro(c) and Reinhard Haas(a) - Science Direct
Renewable energies (RE) represent a cornerstone to
steer our energy system in the direction of sustainability
and supply security. Generating electricity, heat
or biofuels from renewable energy sources has become
a high priority in the energy policy strategies at
national level as well as at a global scale. Challenging
goals for these “new” supply options to meet our energy
demands have been set, e.g. at European level by the
commitment of meeting 20% of the overall energy demand
from renewable energy sources by 2020.
A broad set of different RE technologies and resources
exist today. Obviously, for a comprehensive investigation
of the future RE development it is of crucial importance
to provide a detailed investigation of the country-or
region-specific situation—e.g. with respect to the
potential of the certain RE's in general as well as
the part that can be realised in the near future.
It is the core objective of this paper to fulfil
above-mentioned constraints, aiming to present an
overview on the RE potentials and prospects globally—but
based on region- and/or country-specific assessments
of the resource conditions, the overall energy system
boundaries and the related energy policy framework.
Thus, a topical focus is put on both the near to mid
future up to 2020 and the long-term perspective, indicating
besides theoretical and technical potentials also
the realisable mid- and long-term potentials referring
to the time-horizon between 2030 and 2050 and prospects
for the various renewable energy options. Future prospects
are discussed by means of analysing energy policy
scenarios as conducted for the International Energy
Agency (IEA)'s “World Energy Outlook”-series. In this
context, emphasis is given on the illustration of
the possible contribution of renewable energies to
power supply.
a Energy
Economics Group, Institut für Elektrische Anlagen
und Energiewirtschaft, Technische Universität Wien,
Gußhausstraße 25-29/373-2, 1040 Vienna, Austria
b Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation
Research, Breslauer Str. 48, D-76139 Karlsruhe, Germany
c BSR Sustainability GmbH, Königsbergerstr.
2 h, D-76139 Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Renewable energies; Potentials; Prospects