Indonesian utility PLN to build several
geothermal power plants
Apr 17, 2009 - Asia in Focus
Indonesia's state-owned power utility company PLN
will build a number of geothermal power plants (PLTPs)
in the second phase of its 10,000-MW capacity development
program, a PLN executive said. PLN director for planning
and strategy affairs Bambang Praptono said here on
Thursday the company would cooperate with state-owned
oil and gas firm PERTAMINA in the construction of
geothermal power plants.
- "We are planning to construct a number of PLTPs
as part of the 10,000-MW power development program,"
he said adding that PLN was now exploring a number
of sites for the geothermal power projects.
- He said the funds to finance the PLTP projects
would come from the company's internal resources
and loans.