International Community Embraces
Geothermal Energy
May 11, 2007 RenewableEnergyAccess.com
Update from GEA assesses progress in
geothermal development since 2005.
A 2007 interim report from the U.S.
Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) estimates that
total geothermal capacity online could increase more
than 55 percent worldwide, from 8661 megawatts (MW)
in 2000 to 13,500 MW or more in 2010.
According to the assessment, prepared
by Karl Gawell and Griffin Greenberg, the number of
countries producing power from geothermal resources
could increase 120 percent, from 21 countries in 2000
to as many as 46 countries in 2010. In the U.S. alone,
geothermal power capacity is expected to nearly double
in the next few years.
The report also highlights projects
under development, major political and/or policy initiatives
related to development, and plans announced by either
governments or in-country parties.
Report Findings
According to the assessment, prepared
by Karl Gawell and Griffin Greenberg, the number
of countries producing power from geothermal resources
could increase 120 percent by 2010. |
While GEA reported in 2005 that new
or additional geothermal power development was underway
in some 15 countries, there has been considerable
expansion in the number of countries considering or
proceeding with new geothermal power projects. This
interim report identifies 40 such countries.
Similarly, developments noted in this
report would result in a dramatic expansion in the
number of countries producing geothermal power. In
2000, only 21 countries were producing geothermal
power. By 2005, there was a slight increase with 24
countries reporting geothermal power production. But,
if all of the 22 new countries looking into geothermal
energy today succeed by 2010, there could be over
46 countries producing geothermal power.
In 2000 there was 8661 MW of geothermal
power capacity on-line. By 2005 there was a modest
increase to 8,932 MW of installed power capacity generating
56,951 GWh per year of green power, but there was
considerable new development underway. At that time
the International Geothermal Association (IGA) projected
that 10,700 MW would be online by 2010, and in 2005
GEA reported that this total could reach 13,500 MW
by 2010 -- representing a 50% growth in geothermal
power since 2000.
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