Indonesia to boost renewable energy supply - Sept. 28, 2011 - - Generation - Technical Articles - Index - Library - GENI - Global Energy Network 



Indonesia to boost renewable energy supply


Sept. 28, 2011 -

* INDONESIA has just announced a master plan for the development of renewable energy resources and set a target for renewables to represent 25% of total energy consumption in 2025. Wind, solar and hydroelectric power in addition to geothermal potential provides Indonesia with many options.
* MALAYSIA is hoping that the National Renewable Energy Policy Plan launched this year will help the country hit its targets and feed-in tariffs will come into effect in the next months.
* THAILAND launched its 15-year Renewable Energy Development plan and aims to increase renewable energy from 6.4% to 20% in 2022.

Related to conventional power, Asia’s government attention is turning more to ENERGY-EFFICIENCY AND
REDUCING EMISSIONS and there seems to be a GROWING APPETITE FOR CLEAN TECHNOLOGY. It would be very interesting to see how these plans in the Asian region are shaping up and let’s therefore continue our vibrant discussions at CLEAN POWER ASIA 2012 at the Bali Westin Resort on May 15-17. Following up on the previous successful Clean Power conference and exhibition in Bangkok in June, attended by 430 POWER INDUSTRY PARTICIPANTS, we will present you again with INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS AND NEW CLEANER FOSSIL POWER INITIATIVES AND ACHIEVEMENTS. And we are working on increased networking activities, round table discussions and plug-in sessions to go-in depth with your industry colleagues.