Mali, Mauritania And Senegal Receive
Assistance for Regional Hydroelectric Development
Aug 26, 2007 - World Bank/All Africa
Global Media
Washington, DC - The World Bank Board of Executive
Directors today approved three International Development
Association (IDA) credits*, each for US$25 million
equivalent to the Republic of Mali, the Islamic Republic
of Mauritania and the Republic of Senegal under the
US$ 350 million adaptable program lending (APL) facility
that supports the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP) initiative
of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
Each of the three IDA credits is dedicated to finance
the development of Felou Hydroelectric Project of
the Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve
Senegal (OMVS) which aims to alleviate power supply
deficits in Mali, Mauritania and Senegal by augmenting
the supply of low cost hydroelectricity. All three
IDA credits (US$25 million equivalent to the Republic
of Mali, US$25 million to the Islamic Republic of
Mauritania and US$25 million to the Republic of Senegal)
will finance the design, construction and commissioning
of a 59MW run-of-the-river hydroelectric plant at
Felou, under a single responsibility, date-certain,
fixed price turnkey contract to be awarded by the
Societe de Gestion de l'Energie de Manantali (SOGEM),
on behalf of the three OMVS riparian countries. A
portion of the IDA credit to the Republic of Senegal
will also finance: (a) comprehensive project cycle
management services to be provided to the OMVS and
SOGEM by an experienced engineering consulting firm
that will oversee the design, construction and commissioning
of the Felou hydroelectric plant; (b) measures to
upgrade the communication and data acquisition facilities
to enable real-time information exchange between the
OMVS power system load dispatching center at Manantali
and the three national power utilities of Mali, Mauritania
and Senegal; and (c) acquisition of the necessary
software licenses to support operational optimization
and scheduling of the combined hydro and thermal power
generation capacity of the OMVS riparian countries.
"The primary objective of this WAPP sub-program is
to augment the supply of low cost hydroelectricity
from the OMVS Power System by harnessing the run-of-river
hydroelectric site at Felou, which is located in Mali,
about 200 kilometers downstream of the existing 250MW
Manantali Hydroelectric Facility. This will help alleviate
power supply deficits in these three WAPP Zone "B"
OMVS Countries of West Africa." said Amarquaye Armar,
the World Bank Task Team Leader for the WAPP APL program.
Armar added that "This program is part of a continuing
series of programmatic lending operations that support
African initiatives to create an open, unified regional
economic space through the integration of markets
for infrastructure services". Under the auspices of
WAPP, a specialized institution of ECOWAS, a cooperative,
power pooling mechanism is being established as a
means to increase access of the citizens of the community
to stable and reliable electricity at affordable costs.
The OMVS Power System Development Sub-program of WAPP
will leverage the functions and operational capabilities
of the OMVS Power System to create the nucleus of
the proposed power pooling mechanism for WAPP "Zone
B" countries (The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia,
Mali, Senegal and Sierra Leone). * The credit is provided
on standard International Development Association
(IDA) terms, with a commitment fee of 0.35 percent,
a service charge of 0.75 percent over a 40 year period
of maturity which includes a 10-year grace period.