Delivering Green Hydroelectric Power-to-Go
in Rwanda
Nov 25, 2008 - Larry Greenemeier - Scientific American
HYDROPOWER: A team of Dartmouth
College Thayer School of Engineering students
(working through the school's student-run Humanitarian
Engineering Leadership Project, or HELP) designed,
built and installed a mini hydroelectric turbine
in Rwanda. They hope it will deliver environmentally
friendly power to the country's Banda region,
which has a population of about 6,000.
Image courtesy of Dartmuth's
Thayer School of Engineering |
HOMEMADE HYDRO: Thayer students
worked with locals to build the second turbine
from scrap materials. Whereas this turbine has
proved more difficult than the first (which
was made in Canada), it is now up and running
and being used to charge batteries.
Image courtesy of Dartmouth's Thayer School
of Engineering
HEAVY BURDEN: Some Banda residents
must walk dozens of miles over the area's rough
terrain to a site where they can recharge their
40-pound (18-kilogram) car batteries.
Image courtesy of Dartmouth's Thayer School
of Engineering
As scientists and engineers puzzle over how to inexpensively
deliver thin-film photovoltaic solar cells, wave and
tidal powered turbines, hydrogen-fueled cars, and
other advanced technologies to reduce world dependence
on fossil fuels, a team of college engineering students
is working on a decidedly lower-tech, though no less
difficult, project they hope will bring hydroelectric
power to remote areas of the African country of Rwanda.
The group, part of Dartmouth College's Thayer School
of Engineering student-run Humanitarian Engineering
Leadership Program (HELP), in September set up two
hydroelectric turbines powered by a local water source
in Banda, a mountainous region at the edge of Nyungwe
National Park with a population of around 6,000.
The first site's turbine—prebuilt and taken to Banda
by the students—generates enough energy to charge
six 12-volt batteries concurrently. "While the total
power (310 watts) is relatively low by American standards,
its enough to charge up to 30 batteries per day, each
of which only needs to be recharged once every two
weeks," engineering student Eric Trautmann, 23, wrote
in a September 19 blog on the group's Web site. Trautmann,
who is pursuing his masters in robotics, is one of
15 Thayer electrical, environmental and mechanical
engineering students working on the Rwanda project.
Eight of the students—including Trautmann—have traveled
to Banda since June to get the turbines up and running,
while the other seven helped plan the project, design
the turbines, and provide backup support from the
The second turbine, built from scratch with local
parts and labor, has been more troublesome. The turbine's
charge controller—used to ensure batteries do not
overcharge—has malfunctioned repeatedly, says student
Derek Brand, 22, who recently returned from Rwanda
after a three-month stay. While in Africa, Brand needed
to travel several hours to another village in search
of new parts to correct the problem. The turbine is
now up and running and producing 300 Watts of energy.
The students plan to, with help from the locals,
upgrade the sites over time to improve their output
to 1.5 kilowatts, enough meet all of the village's
electrical needs and more. But for now, Brand says,
increasing power isn't a top priority because the
combination of energy produced by both sites is "more
than enough to meet the town's demand, at least until
we return next summer."
In the meantime, some of the Banda people use the
turbine sites to recharge the car batteries that serve
as the main power source for their homes (providing
the juice they need for lighting and to charge smaller
batteries used in cell phones, flashlights and radios).
It is not uncommon for a Banda resident to walk dozens
of miles over the area's rough terrain with a 40-pound
(18-kilogram) battery balanced on his or her head
to the nearest town with electricity, sleep the night
there, and then walk back home the following day with
the recharged battery.
One of the project's aims has been to use locally
available components and manufacturing techniques
to make the turbines so the locals could build more
of them on their own. "This ensures sustainability
and stimulates the local economy instead of importing
foreign-made components," says Benjamin Koons, 22,
a Thayer student set to graduate in March. "HELP could
add a fresh way of looking at hydro projects in the
area, driven by locally available materials and labor
as opposed to small efficiency gains and profits."
The students point out in their blog (which was closed
to the public earlier this month due to complaints
from some of Rwanda's ministers) that there are areas
of the country already using small hydroelectric turbines,
but that those machines cost as much as $4,000 per
kilowatt to produce energy, a hefty sum for people
here, where the average annual income is $260. The
Thayer team's ultimate goal is to develop systems
that can reduce that cost to less than $500 per kilowatt
by using local parts and labor instead of expensive
foreign parts that are tough to come by in this rural
The hope is that Banda will serve as a proof of concept
and encourage the building of additional hydropower
turbines throughout Africa, which is heavily reliant
on kerosene for lighting. Africans consume nearly
3.8 million tons of kerosene annually, making it a
significant contributor to climate change-causing
greenhouse gas emissions, according to a report by
the students.
The Thayer students anticipate the annual cost to
run the hydroenergy turbines—including purchasing
batteries and compact fluorescent bulbs—will be about
$50 per family. Banda families are already paying
between $50 and $60 a year for kerosene, "making our
system very competitive with kerosene lighting, while
providing a much higher quality light," Brand says.
"Furthermore, the cost of kerosene is tied to the
cost of oil, which will probably rise in the future."
African countries have been the recipients in recent
years of a number of low-tech gadgets designed to
improve education, provide access to clean water,
and protect people there from disease. London-based
Pump Aid (a charity formed by three teachers living
and working in rural Zimbabwe) developed the $740
Elephant water pump to help villagers gain access
to clean water as well as the Elephant toilet, an
outhouse sans plumbing that can be constructed using
a slab of concrete and other readily available materials
for about $30.
Vestergaard Frandsen Group, a Switzerland-based
philanthropy organization, makes a number of basic
technologies targeting Africa, including the LifeStraw
(a powder blue plastic tube with filters that clears
typhoid-, cholera- and diarrhea-causing microorganisms
from water); ZeroFly (a sheet of plastic laminated
with insecticide used to create temporary shelters);
and PermaNet (an insecticide-treated curtain that
protects against disease-carrying insects). Meanwhile,
South Africa's Freeplay Foundation, a group that promotes
access to radio broadcasting in remote pockets of
Africa, offers communities in Rwanda and elsewhere
its Lifeline radio, which is recharged by winding
a spring-loaded handle.