Electric Car Answers the 'Call of
the Grid'
Oct 29, 2007 - AC Populsion
In a demonstration of V2G sponsored by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, an electric vehicle
plugged in at FERC headquarters and received power
dispatch commands from PJM, the regional grid operator.
Electric power customers in Washington DC may not
have noticed, but they participated in the world’s
first public demonstration of real-time vehicle-to-grid
(V2G) today. In a demonstration of V2G sponsored by
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an electric
vehicle plugged in at FERC headquarters and received
power dispatch commands from PJM, the regional grid
operator. The commands were linked to the vehicle
through a communication package developed by PHI and
University of Delaware. The vehicle, an AC Propulsion
eBox EV, responded to the commands by charging or
discharging its battery in short bursts that helped
to balance supply and demand of power on the grid.
The eBox was receiving the same power commands as
major power stations throughout the region, and it
responded as they did only with smaller amounts of
power. V2G has been demonstrated before, but never
with actual real-time commands from the grid.
The one-car demo today had no material effect on
the grid, but it demonstrated how electric vehicles
and plug-in hybrids may become an integral part of
the electric power distribution system. When thousands
of vehicles are plugged in for charging, they can,
at the same time, serve as a “battery on the grid”
rapidly buffering supply and demand to help improve
the reliability and efficiency of grid operation.
Their combined buffering effect can also help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by better utilizing solar
and wind energy generation that can vary from minute
to minute and hour to hour.
The benefits of V2G for the grid are compelling,
but drivers get something too. PJM pays millions of
dollars to generating stations for their help in balancing
the grid. Once vehicles assume that role on a significant
scale, their drivers will get paid too. That is why
FERC Commissioner Jon Wellinghoff likes to call the
cars CashBack Vehicles – plug them in and get cash
AC Propulsion is a manufacturer of electric vehicles
(EVs) and electric power systems for EVs and plug-in
hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) www.acpropulsion.com/
University of Delaware hosts research on technology,
economics, and policy for V2G www.udel.edu/V2G/
FERC is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
it regulates and oversees energy industries in the
economic, environmental, and safety interests of the
American public. http://www.ferc.gov/
PHI is Pepco Holdings International, one of the largest
energy delivery companies in the Mid-Atlantic region,
serving about 1.9 million customers in four states
and the District of Columbia http://www.pepcoholdings.com/
PJM is PJM Interconnection, a regional transmission
organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of
wholesale electricity in 14 states and the District
of Columbia www.pjm.com/