MPSC Initiates Pilot Program to Integrate
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles into the Electric
Mar 11, 2008 - MPSC
he Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) today
initiated a pilot program designed to integrate plug-in
hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) into Michigan's electric
grid, positioning the state to become a leader in
this technology. The pilot program will be part of
the MPSC's ongoing smart grid collaborative.
"As the automotive leader of the world, Michigan
is uniquely equipped to lead the effort to integrate
plug-in hybrid vehicles into its electric grid," said
MPSC Chairman Orjiakor Isiogu, a member of the Smart
Grid Collaborative effort between the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the National Association
of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC). "The
widespread adoption of PHEVs has the potential to
significantly reduce gasoline consumption, while reducing
the overall greenhouse gas emissions produced in the
"The success of plug-in hybrid vehicles is dependent
on the deployment of intelligent grid technology.
So, this represents a unique opportunity for Michigan's
electric utilities to expand sales, without contributing
to system peak, while simultaneously reducing the
overall level of greenhouse gas emissions from the
transportation and utility sectors.
"In addition, PHEV technology can help expand Michigan's
role as the world's center of automotive production
and design and engineering excellence, resulting in
more high-paying jobs and economic growth."
PHEV technology also has the potential to provide
peak load power during high demand periods, if a utility's
electric distribution system provides vehicle-to-grid
(V2G) capability through smart grid technologies.
The Commission notes that achieving a high penetration
of PHEVs that retains the stability of the electric
grid is dependent on smart grid infrastructure research
and development. Therefore, the MPSC in today's order
is requiring all regulated electric distribution companies
to participate in the smart grid collaborative, expanded
by today's order to include PHEV pilot projects. The
MPSC encourages other interested parties to participate
as well.
In particular, the PHEV aspect of the smart grid
collaborative will include: Using actual vehicles,
some of which incorporate V2G systems, if and when
available Analyzing the environmental effects in Michigan
of PHEVs at low, medium and high levels of adoption,
with and without V2G capability Analyzing the effect
of PHEVs on Michigan utility and regional electric
system load duration curves and the effect of PHEV
market penetration on generation mix and capacity
requirements Analyzing the technical issues related
to the participation of V2G in the Midwest Independent
Transmission System Operators' ancillary services
market. Analyzing meter and time-based pricing policies
for electricity used to charge electric vehicles.
Today's order directs the MPSC staff to submit annual
reports on the status of the PHEV collaborative, with
the first report due by June 30, 2009. Interim reports
may be filed, as appropriate.
The Commission encourages transmission providers,
customers and customer groups, Michigan universities
and colleges, automotive manufacturers and suppliers,
and other electric industry stakeholders to participate
in the collaborative.
Written comments may also be filed with the Commission.
Comments may be e-mailed to mpscedockets@michigan.gov
(mpscefilecases@michigan.gov). Written comments should
be mailed to the Executive Secretary, Michigan Public
Service Commission, P.O. Box 30221, Lansing, MI 48909.
The MPSC is an agency within the Department of Labor
& Economic Growth
Case No. U-15278