Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) introduced
the first of what may be several transmission bills
aimed at harnessing renewable energy.
Introduced on Thursday, the bill addresses several
issues important to the renewable energy industry.
In a publicly issued statement to President Obama,
Reid underscored the importance of building transmission
to access and deliver renewables to markets: “Otherwise,
[without new transmission] the vast clean renewable
power in the sun, wind, and geothermal resources
… will never get to consumers.”
The Clean Renewable Energy and Economic Development
Act is intended to promote investments in transmission
to increase access to renewable energy that is often
located in rural areas, while also establishing
a streamlined planning and siting process for transmission
lines. Several proposals included in a white paper
recently released by AWEA and the Solar Energy Industries
Association (SEIA), in fact, are reflected in the
bill (see Wind Energy Weekly#1326).
The bill directs the President to designate “renewable
energy zones” that have at least 1,000 MW in renewable
energy potential but lack transmission. The bill
also addresses the need for national-level transmission
planning in order to make the currently antiquated
and fragmented grid more efficient and cost-effective
as well as increase its ability to tap renewable-energy
Under the planning process, the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) would certify one or
more organizations as the regional planning entity
for an interconnection. Those entities would then
submit a plan to FERC for its approval. The objective
of the plan would be to enhance transmission access
for electricity from renewable energy in renewable
energy zones, while recognizing national economic,
reliability, and security goals. The planning process
would also be based on established and projected
federal and state renewable energy policies and
In order to ensure that siting of transmission
is efficient and does not get caught up in long
delays, the legislation includes provisions for
FERC to serve as the siting authority for projects
that are part of a FERC-approved transmission plan.
The bill requires transmission projects that use
federal siting authority to ensure that at least
75% of the capacity on such lines is available to
renewable generation.
The bill also addresses another issue key to renewables-friendly
transmission development: cost allocation. Pursuant
to the bill, state utility commissioners and regional
planning entities may jointly propose means of cost
allocation to FERC. If no cost allocation methodology
is filed within a specified time, FERCwould allocate
costs to all users of the transmission system in
a region of an interconnection or throughout an
“We appreciate Senator Reid’s leadership addressing
transmission for our renewable energy future,” AWEA
Policy Director Rob Gramlich said in a statement.
“Many of the proposals in the AWEA-SEIA white paper
on transmission are reflected in this bill. We look
forward to working with Senator Reid, other Members
of Congress, states, and other stakeholders to achieve
consensus around the three major components that
are required to access and deliver significant amounts
of renewable energy: interconnection-wide planning,
interconnection-wide cost allocation, and consolidated
Reid, who last week held a clean energy and transmission
summit with participants that included Bill Clinton,
Al Gore, oil man T. Boone Pickens, House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and AWEA CEO Denise Bode,
suggested that the bill only marks the beginning
of legislative discussion on the topic.
“This bill is not perfect and has ample room for
improvement,” he said. “But as the bill works its
way through the legislative process, I am hopeful
that people will come together in good faith and
propose revisions that will help solve the problems
that we tried to identify at the Summit.”