KREDL seeks government approval for 500MW solar park, India - Jun 7, 2012 - Nilima Choudhury - - Technical Articles - Index - Library - GENI - Global Energy Network Institute

KREDL seeks government approval for 500MW solar park, India

Jun 7, 2012 - Nilima Choudhury -


solar panels

Having increased the allocation of solar projects to 350MW by 2016,
in February this year, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development (KREDL) is in the process of seeking government approval for
a solar park.


Having increased the allocation of solar projects to 350MW by 2016, in February this year, Karnataka Renewable Energy Development (KREDL) is in the process of seeking government approval for a solar park, following in the footsteps of states like Gujarat. KREDL wishes to build the 1,000 hectare solar park at Mannur village in Bijapur, India, through a public-private partnership (PPP) model. According to the chairman of KREDL, C.M. Nimbannavar, the site is expected to generate 500MW of solar power.

In April, eight PV developers were selected to install a total of 60MW, including Welspun Group and Sunborne Energy Holdings. KREDL is aiming to increase solar power generation by 40MW each year. A second set of auctions is scheduled for October.

KREDL is considering partnering with SunCarrier Omega to provide the requisite technology and products as well as manage the project. SunCarrier Omega commissioned India's first commercial net-zero energy building, incorporating sun-tracking solar PV and vanadium redox flow battery technologies to create a grid-independent sustainable habitat.