Why Electric Vehicles Will Reduce Greenhouse Gas
Feb 6, 2011 - Tam Hunt - renewableenergyworld.com
A recent article by John Peterson argued that electric
vehicles will take us backward in our efforts to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that today's
hybrid cars are more effective in reducing GHGs.
Peterson's commentary rests on recent research by
Carnegie Mellon University regarding life-cycle emissions
of various vehicle types.
I believe Peterson's highly negative view of electric
vehicles is unwarranted and inaccurate due to a number
of reasons that I describe below.
I have some familiarity with these issues in that
I represent the Green Power Institute (a non-profit
policy outfit based in the Bay Area) at the California
Public Utilities Commission in the electric vehicle
proceeding R. 09-08-009. This proceeding is considering
numerous issues related to utility rate design for
electric vehicles and state policies for integrating
potentially large numbers of electric vehicles into
the grid in coming years. Our comments in this proceeding
can be found here.
I also was the lead author of the Community Environmental
Council’s 2007 report, A New Energy Direction:
A Blueprint for Santa Barbara County, which examined
in detail how Santa Barbara County could wean itself
from fossil fuels and save substantial money at the
same time. I wrote the report not only as a detailed
blueprint for one county, but also as a template
for other counties and regions contemplating similar
goals. I wrote in that report that alternatives to
driving, driving smaller vehicles, and relying on
hybrid vehicles were the best short-term options
for reducing fossil fuel use. However, in the longer
term, electrification of our transportation infrastructure
was the most promising path:
"To wean our region off fossil fuels, we will
need additional options beyond driving smaller cars
and hybrid vehicles, or using biofuels such as ethanol
and biodiesel. The next generation of vehicles will
provide a sea change in how we transport ourselves
and goods by allowing electricity to become the primary
transportation energy instead of petroleum.
The idea is to “electrify” the transportation
sector by actively transitioning to vehicles that
run on electricity. This is advantageous even if
we remain with today’s sources of electricity,
because vehicles that use electricity as a fuel are
two to three times more efficient than those that
run on petroleum. However, the end goal is to change
our electricity mix to all, or almost all, renewable
We realize that converting our primary supply of
transportation fuel from oil to electricity may seem
to be a radical program, but it is a tremendously
promising path. If we follow this path nationally,
we could reduce or [even] eliminate our dependence
on foreign oil in just two or three decades and dramatically
cut back on our greenhouse gas emissions."
I stick by these conclusions for the following reasons.
Peterson relies on a 2008 report by Carnegie Mellon
University researchers Constantine Samaras and Kyle
Meisterling. It is a little ironic that the slide
that Peterson shows in his article, with similar
data to Figure 1 below, is entitled “Electrified
transportation has large GHG benefits with low-carbon
electricity,” and yet Peterson states immediately
after showing this slide: “the graph suggests
that there is no meaningful air quality advantage
to plug-in vehicles.”
The report does indeed conclude that electric vehicles
yield modest improvements over hybrid vehicles with
the current U.S. national electricity average emissions.
However, Samaras and Meisterling recognize that the
future may yield significant improvements in average
emissions – as the title of the slide Peterson
uses states.
Figure 1 below shows that under the posited “low
carbon scenario” of 200 g/CO2 in the electricity
sector, electric vehicles would produce about half
the emissions of hybrid cars. “PHEV 90” represents
a plug-in electric vehicle that can run 90 miles
on batteries alone, which, while not possible today,
will very likely become possible in a few years as
battery technology improves. CV refers to conventional
vehicles and HEV to hybrid vehicles. Samaras and
Keisterling state (p. 3173): “Under the low-carbon
scenario, large life cycle GHG reductions (51–63%
and 30–47%, compared to CVs and HEVs, respectively)
are possible with PHEVs.”
Figure 1. Vehicle GHG emissions for conventional
vehicles (CV), hybrid vehicles (HEV) and plug-in
electric vehicles (Source: Samaras and Meisterling
The Shift To Renewables and Natural Gas
The key to this debate, then, is how electricity
sector GHG intensity will change over time. Are emissions
going up or down? The Energy Information Administration
stated in a very encouraging report from early 2010:
"The fuel mix and associated carbon intensity
of most sectors have tended to be very stable over
time. However, in 2009, the carbon intensity of the
electric power sector decreased by nearly 4.3 percent,
primarily due to fuel switching as the price of coal
rose 6.8 percent from 2008 to 2009 while the comparable
price of natural gas fell 48 percent on a per Btu
basis. The carbon content of natural gas is about
45 percent lower than the carbon content of coal
and modern natural gas generation plants that can
compete to supply base load electricity often use
significantly less energy input to produce a kilowatt-hour
of electricity than a typical coal-fired generation
plant. For both of these reasons, increased use of
natural gas in place of coal caused the sector’s
carbon intensity to decrease."
The accompanying chart tells us even more (note
that the electric power sector emissions started
dipping in 2006):
Figure 2: Carbon intensity of primary energy supply
by sector (Source: EIA).
The takeaway point here is that the United States
is at the start of a long-term shift away from coal
toward renewable energy and natural gas, with nuclear
power probably slowly diminishing also. I’ve
written recently about the very encouraging decade-long
growth trend of wind and solar power in the U.S.
Wind and solar power have grown 30-40% annually in
recent years and solar grew 100% in 2010 – despite
a still-weak economy (wind power growth dropped substantially,
Perhaps as importantly, we have seen a significant
drop in natural gas prices in the last couple of
years driven in part by increased supplies from oil
shale. I personally don’t support the use of
more natural gas as a sustainable long-term solution,
particularly not from oil shale, for various environmental
and economic concerns. But I do recognize, as the
EIA wrote in the passage quoted above, that there
has been a significant shift away from coal and toward
natural gas for many power plants that can switch
fuel swhen economically advantageous to do so. And
this trend also looks to continue for some years.
As a result of these and other similar trends, the
U.S. economy has seen a massive 41% reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions intensity in recent years
(Figure 3). GHG “intensity” refers to
the amount of emissions per dollar of GDP and is
a measure of the efficiency of an economy. Electricity
sector emissions haven’t seen as large a reduction,
as the previous figure showed, but we can reasonably
expect to see much larger reductions over the longer
term if the trend witnessed in the last few years
Figure 3. US GHG intensity 1990-2008 (Source: EIA).
Regional Versus National Averages
An even more important mistake in Peterson’s
critique is his reliance on average national emissions
from the electricity sector. In fairness, the Samaras
and Meisterling report makes this assumption also,
but it is a very poor assumption when considering
the real world policy implications of the issues
they analyze. It is very clear, based on adoption
rates for hybrid cars and other high-efficiency vehicles
in recent decades, that electric vehicle adoption
will be far higher in states that have far lower
electricity sector emissions than other parts of
the country.
A student of mine, Christian Del Maestro, completed
an excellent paper in 2009, still unpublished, that
examined the regional impacts of electric vehicle
adoption. His conclusions regarding the national
average are congruent with those from the Carnegie
Mellon study, but he also looked at state-level emissions.
He found that all but a few states yield significant
GHG benefits when compared to HEVs and CVs. And some
of the most populous states, like California and
New York, will result in electric vehicle emissions
less than half of those for the 2009 Prius because
of the relatively clean electricity mix in these
Figure 4. Carbon emissions by state for a Chevy
Volt, 2009 Prius and 2009 Cobalt (Source: Christian
Del Maestro).
Clearly we can’t ignore geographic adoption
patterns when considering the real world results
of electric vehicle adoption and related energy policy
Energy Independence and Peak Oil
More generally, GHG reductions are not the only
benefit of electric vehicles. The most significant
immediate benefit for owners is that they’re
so dang cheap to run. A “fill up” for
an electric car will cost about $1.50 – a massive
benefit compared to $30-50 for a gas fill up in a
typical car. This is the economic rationale for paying
higher up-front costs for electric vehicles.
And those who own electric cars almost always highlight
the pleasures of driving an electric car versus a
regular car. Electric cars are quiet and fun to drive.
From a policy perspective, another benefit is far
more important: the ability of electric vehicles
to wean us from reliance on petroleum as the primary
transportation fuel. As I noted in A New Energy Direction,
electrification of the transportation sector is the
most promising long-term option we have for getting
away from petroleum. Whether we worry about petroleum
dependence because of national security concerns
or peak oil, or other reasons, it is clear that electric
vehicles present a far larger benefit in this aspect
than CVs or HEVs because the latter types of vehicles
run, of course, on petroleum. I’ve written
many times at this website about the threat of peak
oil and I will be presenting a comprehensive update
in the coming weeks.
We need to get very serious about reducing our reliance
on petroleum and other fossil fuels. Electric vehicles
should be – and very likely will be – a
major part of any successful effort to do so.
Tam Hunt is president of Community Renewable Solutions
LLC, a company focused on community-scale wind and
solar energy; he is also a Lecturer on climate change
law and policy and renewable energy law and policy
at UC Santa Barbara’s Bren School of Environmental
Science & Management.