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Friday Focus: Modi's solar 'to-do' list

May 23, 2014 - Lucy Woods - PV-tech.org

After winning a huge majority, Narandra Modi is now leader of the globe's largest democracy.

Leader of the Hindu nationalist party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (or Indian people's BJP party), Modi was confirmed as India’s new prime minister on 16 May and will be sworn in on 26 May.

As part of Modi's campaign, he advocated solar power to empower people and mitigate corruption, while warning of the economic dangers of relying on imported coal.

Part of the #ModiMantra is to have "India lit up like Gujarat" (his former jurisdiction and the country's solar pioneer). He has also called for every household to have at least one light bulb and sees solar playing a large part in that ambition. In the BJP's 2013 manifesto, continuous power, solar-powered agriculture pumps and street lighting are all specifically mentioned.

See the whole article at PV Tech: http://www.pv-tech.org/friday_focus/friday_focus_modis_solar_to_do_list





Updated: 2003/07/28