Project Focus: San Diego Gas & Electric signs 20-year power-purchase agreement - Syanne Olson - Poer Generation
Project Focus: San Diego Gas & Electric signs 20-year power-purchase agreement

May 14, 2010 - Syanne Olson - Poer Generation -

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has signed a 20-year power-purchase agreement with an LS Power subsidiary to secure up to 130MW of solar energy from the intended Centinela Solar Energy facility in Imperial Valley. The contract runs through 2033, wherein the PV facility will produce enough renewable energy for around 45,000 households. Final approval from the California Public Utilities Commission is still required.

The Centinela Solar Energy facility is scheduled for completion in 2014, with up to 130MW of solar power being sent across SDG&E’s service territory via the Sunrise Powerlink. The power line is due to be completed in 2012 and is purported to be able to carry up to 1,000MW of electricity .

"This contract is the result of diligent efforts focused on cultivating local solar, wind and geothermal resources for San Diego," said Michael R. Niggli, president and chief operating officer of SDG&E. "It will help us fill the Sunrise Powerlink with green power and meet the state's aggressive renewable goals."

Located on 1,150 acres near Calexico, California, the Centinela Solar facility will produce emissions free energy without using water and represents a $500 million economic investment in Imperial County. As an added bonus, hundreds of jobs are expected to be created during its construction.


Updated: 2003/07/28