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MBPV to Set Up India's Largest Grid Connected Solar Farm

Dec 4, 2007 - renewableenergyaccess.com

Moser Baer Photo Voltaic (MBPV) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Rajasthan (India) for establishing a solar power project with an estimated generation capacity of 1-5 megawatts (MW).

"MBPV aims to redefine the paradigms of solar power generation through its world class manufacturing and multi technology capabilities and demonstrate a commercially viable, grid-connected PV energy system in India through this project."

--Ravi Khanna, CEO, MBPV

The project will be the largest grid-connected solar farm in India and entail an investment of around $25 million at $4.5 million per MW. The region where the project is being planned has large demand supply imbalances in energy generation capacities.

"MBPV aims to redefine the paradigms of solar power generation through its world class manufacturing and multi technology capabilities and demonstrate a commercially viable, grid-connected PV energy system in India through this project," said Ravi Khanna, CEO of MBPV. "This project is a pioneering initiative in that direction and we believe that the SAARC region provides huge opportunity for such large sized projects."


Updated: 2003/07/28