Report: Solar Could Meet 10% of US Energy NeedsMar 23, 2010 - Environment America last week released a new report that outlines the road to meet 10 percent of the United States' energy needs by 2030. Building a Solar Future: Repowering America’s Homes, Businesses and Industry with Solar Energy looks at a variety of solar technologies including photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, solar water heaters, solar space heating, and passive solar design. The report not only outlines the how these technologies could be used but also takes a look at a number of places its they're being used to good effect today. These projects include Wal-Mart’s use of skylights, which has cut energy costs in some stores by 15 to 20 percent and a Frito-Lay plant in California uses solar concentrators to provide heat for cooking snack foods. “We applaud Environment America for its leadership in addressing our nation’s biggest energy challenges – our dependence on fossil fuels and the need to address the pollution that is causing climate change – while also addressing our nation’s biggest economic challenge – creating jobs,” said Jamie Resor, CFO for groSolar. “This report, combined with the Solar Bill of Rights, provides a policy roadmap for leveling the playing field for an energy source that more than 92 percent of Americans say they want more of, now.” Senator Udall's Solar Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) Act of 2010 modernizes the tax code regarding solar energy, enabling homeowners who invest in community solar projects to take a 30 percent tax credit just like individuals who install PV cells on their houses. Like other solar tax credits, it would expire in 2016 unless renewed. |
Updated: 2003/07/28