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Scotland's Seas Chart Potential for New Wealth

Jan 29, 2009 - The Scotsman

The huge economic potential of marine renewables in the north of Scotland is to be set out in a masterplan that will also highlight environmental challenges facing developers.

The Scottish Government has commissioned a Marine Spatial Plan for the Pentland Firth and waters around Orkney, which Alex Salmond, the First Minister, said was to be the epicentre of Scotland's future in green energy.

The plan will form part of the government's Marine Bill, which is due out in the spring and intends to ensure sustainable seas.

Richard Lochhead, the Cabinet secretary for the environment, said: "Scotland is set to be at the forefront of the global development of clean, green energy technologies. Renewables can drive long-term economic recovery, so it is appropriate that the Pentland Firth - often referred to as the 'jewel in the crown' of our marine energy potential - is properly mapped to maximise the full, sustainable economic benefit."

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Updated: 2003/07/28