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3TIER adds 5km wind map of Mexico

Jun 9, 2008 - RenewableEnergyFocus.com

HOUSTON, TEXAS - 3TIER, an independent provider of wind, solar and hydro energy assessment and power forecasting has added Mexico to its FirstLook Assessment mapping tool, at 5km resolution.

“At a 5km resolution, FirstLook provides wind developers with a way to prospect for most of North America,” says Pascal Storck, President of 3TIER. “Building on the success of our FirstLook online mapping tool in the United States and Canada, we expect more developers will take notice and begin exploring wind potential in Mexico.”

The FirstLook Assessment mapping of Mexico is part of 3TIER’s ‘REmapping the World’, a long-term, global initiative launched in march when 3TIER unveiled an initial global wind map at a 15km resolution.

"REmapping the World is meant to answer initial questions about what kind of wind potential exists globally,” says Kenneth Westrick, 3TIER CEO and founder. “The first 15km map provides enough resolution so countries and organisations can begin to look at the potential wind resource at a regional level. If we want developing nations to ‘leapfrog’ over fossil fuels, they need information about what renewable energy resources exist.”

3TIER plans to continue mapping at a higher resolution than 5km over the next 18 months. It will be done country by country - according to priority order based on renewable energy policies, availability of the wind resource and economic development status. The next countries in line for 5km online maps are Chile and Columbia, by the end of June.

FirstLook was developed to work in tandem with 3TIER’s FullView Assessment – a comprehensive, high-resolution resource assessment. After the initial FirstLook, 3Tier can provide customers with a 90m resolution FullView Assessment anywhere in the world in less than a month.

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