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Inner Mongolia Installs Wind Generators with 1000MW Capacity

Sep 28, 2007 - SinoCast

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, a pioneer of clean energy development in China, announces that the combined installed capacity of all wind power generator sets in the region exceeds 1000 megawatts, the biggest in the country.

Big area and small population make the region easy to build very-large wind farms to benefit from this natural resource, which is very rich there. The developable wind resource 10-meter above the land is estimated to be 253 million kilowatts of the whole China, and impressively, 80% of it is in the Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang autonomous regions.

Shortage of funds, technology, and equipment had greatly restricted the development of wind energy in the Inner Mongolia, which just had installed wind generator sets of 170MW by 2005. The region geared up since 2006 and successfully bolstered the total installed capacity to 25559.9MW, or 23.2% of the country's total, as of the end of 2006. The figure is expected to break 1200MW at the end of 2007.

In fact, the local government has an ambitious hope to sharply expand the capacity to 5000MW by 2010.