New Ohio Law Expected to
Spawn 5,000-7,000 MW Wind Market
Apr 28 2008 - Wind Energy Weekly
Following unanimous Senate concurrence with
an Ohio House bill, legislation to establish
a 12.5%-by-2025 renewable electricity standard
(RES) is headed to the desk of Governor Ted
Strickland (D). The governor is expected to
sign the bill, but has offered no public statement
regarding the final legislation.
Assuming that wind energy constitutes 75%-95%
of the 12.5% standard, the bill would establish
a market for between 5,000 MW and 7,000 MW
of new wind capacity by 2025. Annual mandatory
benchmarks begin with 0.25% in 2009 and 0.5%
in 2010, then add 0.5% per year through 2014,
followed by an additional 1% per year through
2024. In terms of early-year impact, a reasonable
estimate for new megawatts induced by the
legislation for 2012 (ostensibly built by
end of 2011) would be 650-750 MW.
Inclusion of specific annual requirements
in the bill was a major accomplishment for
AWEA and AWEA members, as an earlier bill
that passed the Senate last fall included
no such benchmarks. Following the advocacy
of the wind industry, strong early-year benchmarks
became a priority for Speaker Jon Husted (R),
who then championed them and ensured their
inclusion in the final bill. Companies particularly
active in the effort included Babcock & Brown,
Gamesa, GE, Horizon, Iberdrola, Invenergy,
JW Great Lakes, Owens-Corning, and Webcore.
“Early year benchmarks were not in the picture
when we engaged this legislation in February,”
said Hans Detweiler, AWEA’s manager of state
legislation and policy. “Industry did a great
job of coming out publicly to support the
early annual standards, and that public involvement
paid off.” The legislation also has national
significance. Ohio, as a major industrial
state, ranks fourth in power consumption (behind
only Texas, California, and Florida) and this
market will move the needle nationally for
renewable energy.
The legislation can also be expected to jump
start interest in wind manufacturing in Ohio’s
world-class manufacturing sector, which may
bring advantages of scale and cost to the
whole industry. Furthermore, 25 states plus
the District of Columbia have previously enacted
mandatory renewable energy standards, so Ohio’s
addition to this group means that a majority
of all states now have such standards. “As
Ohio goes, so goes the nation,” said Erin
Bowser of Environment Ohio.
The renewable energy provisions are generally
consistent with national best practices following
efforts by Speaker Husted to improve the bill.
The bill contains strong enforcement provisions,
including “alternative compliance payments”
of not less than $45 per MWh, and requires
that at least half of the energy used to satisfy
the standard be generated in Ohio (the other
half can be from outside Ohio if delivered
into the state). The bill also includes a
force majeure clause patterned on Pennsylvania’s,
a small solar set-aside that ramps up gradually
to 0.5% by 2025, and a 3% cost cap provision.
The wind industry’s only reservation with
the bill was the cost cap provision, which
may require close attention during regulatory
To find the actual legislation, go to Section
4928.64 of the bill, available at: