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  Interconnected electric power systems exist in different parts of the world. They differ in size, whether in total generating capacity or in geographic area covered. Some of the systems operate within the political boundaries of a certain country while others include more than one country.

The advantages of the power systems interconnection are well known and we are not going to repeat whatever has been said or proven in this field

There are certain technical and economical limits for the size of the interconnections systems. However extending the size or the surface area covered may have some advantages tot he systems at the peripheries of the interconnected system. Certain advantages may also be gained by connecting two neighbouring interconnected systems

Ways and means have been developed to everyone the technical limits of synchronous interconnection. These include the direct current (d.c.) links and the flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS). With these developments, neighboring synchronous interconnected systems are being advantages of interconnection, mainly the exchange of reserve during emergencies and the transfer of low cost energy from one system to it's neighbours. Other synchronous interconnections and flexible links are being studied. investigated or are are still in future vision.

It is the hope of many power system engineers that a worldwide power system is realized, whether synchronously or flexibly interconnected. Low cost electric energy and peak time power could be transferred from one part of the world to the other.

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