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There are abundant potentials of hydroelectric energy in several parts of the world which are not yet harnessed. It is estimated that these potentials are of the order of 13000 TWh/yr., only about 15% are in operation. Development of these potentials and transmitting their energy to needy load centers, may prove to be more economical, in certain cases, than generation by thermal power plants. It is worthy to mention that the total world electric energy consumption is estimated to about12000 TWh during the year 1990, which is less than the potential hydro-energy.


The development of the world's hydroelectric potentials and the construction of long distance transmission lines for the transport of the bulk hydroelectric energy from its distant sources to the utilization centers is the aim of environmentalists as well as a hope for the peoples of developing countries.

The clean hydroelectric energy would replace electric energy produced by burning fossil fuels. The revenues from the export of the renewable hydro-energy would contribute to the sustained development of the producing countries.


In Northern Africa, the first step towards the fulfillment of these aims and hopes has started by the ratification of the agreement between Zaire and Egypt for the utilization of the potentials of the Zaire River for the benefit of the some African Countries. Exporting the excess energy to Europe is also considered.


It is proposed that successive steps should be taken for the development of the exploitable hydroelectric potentials in the Northern Africa, which are estimated at about 1000 TWh/year. A strong high voltage transmission system is to be built to interconnect the hydroelectric projects together, as well as to provide strong ties to neighbouring continents, (Europe, and Asia) for the export of blocks of electric energy.

Through the collective generation and export of hydroelectric energy, sustained development of countries in Northern Africa would be achieved. The revenues from electricity exports would pay back the investments in the power projects and also provide financing for sustained economic and social development.


Environmental issues caused by the combustion of fossil fuels are the present concern of the World. With the encouraging results of the Egypt-Zaire interconnection study, it has become interesting to extend the interconnection to Europe for the import of clean hydro electric energy to replace fossil fuel burning power plants.


The idea of the power pool of the Mediterranean Sea countries represents the first step in the integration of the European electricity system with the developing system of the countries of Northern Africa. The fulfillment of this integration will make it possible for increasing imports of clean electricity from Africa.


It is proposed that the electric utilities in the two continents of Europe and Africa should work closely and cooperate in the implementation of the hydroelectric projects in Northern Africa and the integration of the power systems of the two continents.


CIGRE, being the most important organization for large electric systems, would adopt the subject of the integration of the power systems within and the between continents for the transport of the hydroelectric energy from its far sources to the load centers. The objectives would be the alleviation of some of the world's environmental problems. The sustained development of countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia, where hydro potentials are available and could be exported to the industrialized countries, can be achieved.


It is proposed that the issues of inter-continent interconnection and long distance bulk power transmission be discussed in Working Groups within the CIGRE Study Committees. CIGRE may also organize symposia and conferences for the discussions of these issues.


Egypt Offers to host the first symposium on this subject.

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