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| Egypt is at the meeting point of the three continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Egypt will be a main partner in the following future interconnections which will be described in detail:
  • The Five-Countries Interconnection which links Egypt in Africa to Jordan, Syria, and Iraq in Asia to Turkey in Europe.

  • The Pan-Arab Interconnection which interconnects systems in Africa to systems in Asia with Egypt at the center.

  • The Mediterranean Sea Power Pool which interconnects Mediterranean power systems in the three Continents.

  • The Pan-Africa interconnection system.
Egypt within the MIddle East
Egypt within the Middle East
There are many definitions for the boundaries of the Middle East. In this presentation, it will be considered as including the countries extending from the Gulf on the east to the Atlantic on the west, and extends northwards to Turkey and southwards to Sudan. It extends from east to west including five time zones indicating one of the main advantages of power systems interconnection which is the diversity of maximum demand. Domestic and lighting loads which depend on day time and evening time represent a large percentage of the electricity consumption. In addition, there is the shift in the work hours period for the industrial loads. With the very hot summer season in the Arabian Peninsula, and the freezing winter in Turkey, air-conditioning and space heating indicate a pronounced diversity of electric energy requirements.

This rather large region may be grouped into three groups, however could ultimately be interconnected in one electrical system. The eastern group includes the countries in the Arab Peninsula and sometimes termed the Arab-Mashreq. The western group includes the countries in north Africa and sometimes called the Arab-Maghreb. The central group extends from Turkey in the north to Sudan in the south, with Egypt in the center. Looking to the map of the region, Egypt could be considered as a central point which would interconnect together the power systems in the three groups.

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