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4.2 Egypt - Zaire Power Systems Interconnection
The Zaire River in central Africa is one of the major hydroelectric potentials in the world and it remains as-yet largely not harnessed. Feasibility studies on this river have highlighted potential sites for the development of more than 40000 MW of firm, continuous electric power production. Further developments could achieve potentials of the order of 100 GW.

Egypt-Zaire Interconnection Project
Egypt-Zaire Interconnection Project

At the present time, there are no local need for such large quantities of electric energy. The surplus electric energy which is not locally needed could be utilized to complement the needs of some of the African countries and could also be exported to Europe.

In 1987, an agreement has been signed by the Minister of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Zaire and myself, in which it was agreed to study the feasibility of the interconnection of the electric networks in both countries in order to make use of the huge hydroelectric potentials at Inga on the Zaire River. In 1988 the two Governments of Zaire and Egypt filed jointly a request to the African Development Bank to finance the feasibility study for the power system interconnection between both countries, involving also Central African Republic, Chad, and Sudan. The Bank approved a grant from eh African Development Technical Assistance Fund to finance the study.

The objective of the study is to identify the best electricity transmission schemes from a technical and economic stand point, which would be competitive with the local options for satisfying the electricity needs for Zaire and Egypt beyond the year 2005. It will also take in consideration possible tapping points in Sudan, Central African Republic and Chad.

The stage of the pre-feasibility Study started in March 1993, the results of which are encouraging. The second phase of the study consists in optimizing the best three schemes selected during the pre-feasibility study and in further elaborating technical and economic evaluations, and the best scheme will be selected.
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