Cambodian coastal town gets 24-hour electricity
from Vietnam
Mar 25, 2008 - BBC Monitoring
The people in Kep, a Southwestern city of Cambodia,
can now have access 24 hours to the electricity.
"It is a new achievement of Kep and Cambodia. I
hope more investment will come to the city and Kep
would change its face soon", Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister of Interior Sar Kheng said last week
in an inauguration ceremony.
The electricity is imported by Kep Power Supply from
Viet Nam by a power transmission line through Prek
Chak international border checkpoint.
Located about 174 km from Phnom Penh, the seaside
city of Kep is one of the main tourist destinations
in Cambodia. It used to be considered as AŤ Ghost
City Ať because there was no electricity. - AKP
Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse website, Phnom Penh,
in English 25 Mar 08