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Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia Probe Cooperation in Energy Domain

Feb 9, 2008 - BBC Monitoring Middle East

The electricity ministers of Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia probed ways to promote cooperation in the electricity and energy domains Saturday [9 February] on the sidelines of the 23rd session of the Arab electricity ministers council's executive bureau.

A technical and economic feasibility study on the electricity grid between Egypt and Saudi Arabia has been completed, Egypt's Minister of Electricity and Energy Hasan Yunis said, adding that with the completion of the Egyptian-Saudi Arabia power grid Egypt would have reached integrated power grids with the majority of Arab states.

With this grid, Egypt has electricity linkage with Syria, Jordan and Libya which are expected to be linked up with Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco and then Saudi Arabia will be linked up with the Gulf and Yemen, he added.

Originally published by MENA news agency website, Cairo, in Arabic 1518 9 Feb 08.

(c) 2008 BBC Monitoring Middle East. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.

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