Tajik-Iranian joint venture starts to build small
power plant in south
Jan 31, 2008 - BBC Monitoring via COMTEX
Tajikistan has started implementing one of the eight
projects on construction of small hydroelectric power
plants funded by the Islamic Development Bank, the
head of the centre for implementing energy projects,
Sanat Rahimov, has told Avesta.
Rahimov said that a Tajik-Iranian joint venture
Roh-i Korvon-Kukharut [transliterated] (RKK) - the
general contractor of all these projects - had begun
implementing the first project in Baljuvon District
of Khatlon Region [southern Tajikistan]. According
to its technical parameters, the power plant will
have a capacity of 1 MWh of electricity.
The construction projects of another four of these
small hydroelectric power plants are fully ready,
Rahimov added.
The power plants will be located in Ayni, Tursunzoda,
Nurobod, Baljuvon and Shahrinav districts. The total
cost of the projects is estimated at 10m dollars,
and they are expected to be commissioned in March
The facilities will be able to generate jointly 8,000
kWh of electricity, which will make it possible to
provide local people with electricity all the year
round, Rahimov concluded.
Source: Avesta website, Dushanbe, in Russian 1032
gmt 31 Jan 08