California ISO Board Approves New
Transmission Planning Approach
Dec 13, 2007 - Business Wire
The California Independent System
Operator Corporation (California ISO) Board of Governors
today approved filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) a proposal that would give the
California ISO the explicit authority to proactively
identify and propose transmission projects to reduce
congestion and provide economic benefits, ensuring
the not-for-profit public-benefit corporation is
compliant with FERC Order 890.
Order 890 requires independent transmission
grid operators such as the California ISO to have
an open, transparent transmission planning process
that complies with several main federal tenets.
To a large degree, the California ISO has been compliant
with the concepts in FERC Order 890 in that it conducts
a transparent grid planning process, giving stakeholders
ample opportunity for input. However, to ensure
compliance with Order 890, the California ISO took
the opportunity to engage stakeholders in a series
of meaningful discussions in the past year about
the current grid planning process and to make changes
where appropriate.
Part of the Order 890 compliance filing
the Board of Governors approved today clarifies
the California ISO authority to identify and propose
transmission projects that will provide economic
benefits. The proposal calls for the California
ISO to first assign one of the Participating Transmission
Owners (PTO)--typically one of the major utilities--to
be the project sponsor. If the Participating Transmission
Owner chooses not to build the project, the California
ISO will have the authority to solicit bids from
third-party transmission companies to finance, build
and own the project, with the ISO operating the
"We work closely with transmission
owners and other stakeholders to identify projects
that bolster reliability, bring economic benefits
or provide access to cheaper or cleaner power,"
said ISO President and CEO Yakout Mansour. "Some
projects are determined to be essential for all
of those reasons. The clarification of roles provides
additional transparency that is in keeping with
the spirit of FERC Order 890 and allows the ISO
to reduce impediments to getting projects built."
As another avenue for making it easier
to get needed infrastructure on line on time, the
California ISO is also proposing a change in the
dollar threshold for Board approval of transmission
projects. Currently, the ISO Board needs to approve
any project with a cost of $20 million or more.
The California ISO proposes to increase that to
$50 million. The increase reflects the rising cost
of transmission components over the past 10 years,
which has added to the costs of transmission improvement
"Conductor cable, transformers and
other equipment all cost substantially more now
than when we enacted the $20 million threshold,"
said Vice President of Planning and Infrastructure
Development Armando Perez. "That increase shows
up in the final cost of even relatively simple transmission
projects. We have to acknowledge the world-wide
demand for transmission components and still find
the right balance between the need to move ahead
quickly on some smaller projects and the need for
our Board to approve projects that represent a major
The California ISO is a not-for-profit
public benefit corporation charged with managing
the flow of electricity along California's open-market
wholesale power grid. The mission of the California
ISO is to safeguard the reliable delivery of electricity,
and ensure equal access to 25,000 circuit miles
of "electron highway." As the impartial operator
of the wholesale power grid in the state, the California
ISO conducts a small portion of the bulk power markets.
These markets are used to allocate space on the
transmission lines, maintain operating reserves
and match supply with demand in real time.
SOURCE: California Independent System
Operator Corporation